Electronics Forum: failed to open database file (Page 1 of 1)

Help me to impress my boss

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 16:13:12 EDT 2007 | Ben T

D?rty, I was actually under the same mission as you a little over a year ago, but have since given up on the impossible. I have however been developing software for the industry for the past year. I have made a BOM importing tool, which cleans the BO

F4G setup: cannot connect to local socket error?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 11 18:51:49 EST 2010 | rodrigo

Hi All, I'm setting up the F4G software for our line (currently using MCS30). I made an adapter to connect the CP4 line (that was connected to the MCS30) to the PC. Then I tried to transmit a program but I keep getting this error: 41A27F9D: Error o


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