Electronics Forum: feeder calibration jig (Page 1 of 34)

Fuji CP6, CP7 feeder jig calibration manual

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 28 11:11:28 EDT 2015 | dlee87

I may have what you are looking for but it is a > 244mb file. Hi! Sr.Tech Can you put the file into a CD and send to us, we'll pay for it!!! Thank you very much Daniel Le ESC Maintenance Tech

Fuji CP43 Feeder calibration jig

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 05 08:44:02 EST 2019 | andrewpayonk

Oh, what I have is a cp642

Fuji CP43 Feeder calibration jig

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 05 06:42:22 EST 2019 | cyber_wolf

This is for a specific type of CP43 feeder. It does not work on CP6 feeders. You also have to have the base it bolts onto, the standard, and the calibration tapes.

Fuji CP43 Feeder calibration jig

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 04 15:01:48 EST 2019 | andrewpayonk

I'll take it. I recently picked a cp6 with 60 feeders. Email kidrocker70@hotmail.com or phone 260-241-2878 Thanks, Andrew

Fuji CP43 Feeder calibration jig

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 28 12:16:08 EST 2019 | cyber_wolf

I have a CP43 calibration jig in excellent shape. Free to a good home. This is the jig that bolts to the stand with the microscope. I DO NOT have the stand with the microscope. See photo

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 10 12:54:43 EDT 2006 | cyber_wolf

Is anyone out there using the newer style Fuji feeder calibration jig ? It's the one that has the LCD on it. My current feeder cal jig just measures pick point center. This newer style gauge measures advancing arm height,bend in the advancing arm br

CP43 feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 26 03:49:17 EDT 2005 | aj

Mark, Is there really that much to a CP43 feeder that its worth the hassle of making a "calibration jig". Train your Operators properly and that should do the trick I have a CP43 and Reject rate runs at

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 14 19:51:53 EDT 2006 | ____

Master Jigs and tape are separate. The "All in One" jig is around $12k just so you know.

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 14 13:39:07 EDT 2006 | cyber_wolf

Does the unit come with all of the master jigs and tapes, or do you have to purchase them seperate ?

Fuji CP feeder calibration

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 21:27:13 EST 2006 | jgarver1

Does Fuji sell the "All in One" Jig? JG

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