Electronics Forum: feeder gsm 44mm (Page 1 of 25)

ITF2 44mm

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 10:49:59 EDT 2005 | greg

Hallo I am looking for to buy refurbished ITF2 44 mm for TopazXi feeders. I am in UK. Please give me some information where i can find it. Regards Greg

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Mon May 19 02:11:43 EDT 2014 | maciejbilu

And it run! But the point is that it pick every component except from the 44mm feeder.

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Sat May 24 04:45:20 EDT 2014 | mpolak

Check if that component is not skipped in component data.

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Fri May 16 07:04:26 EDT 2014 | maciejbilu

Hello, We had just bought new 44mm one for wide ZIF connectors etc. The problem is that JUKI don't even thin about picking something from it. 44mm option is available in component packaging style window. Tray feeder is choose for "44mm emboss 12mm (

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 06 02:35:06 EDT 2014 | maciejbilu

Got it. That make sense. Pick position is quite far from these "normal" one. I ignore the message (and press start button again) every time and the whole mounting process starts normally. JUKI mount every component assigned except one from 44mm feede

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 02:15:24 EDT 2014 | maciejbilu

No, it is not. Well, here is the strange news: A guy from the service couldn't solve this ! I wonder maby this feeder i just simple not dedidacet for our machine type... or what else could it be ?

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 04:59:12 EDT 2014 | jandon

Have you try to change feeder place manually somewhere else? Maybe even rear side of the machine?

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Fri May 16 11:25:48 EDT 2014 | cyber_wolf

Press the green button again and the machine will most likely run. We see these errors on occasion but they do not prevent you from running.

JUKI KE2060L - implementing new 44mm feeder

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 05 19:19:13 EDT 2014 | FD

When you assign the feeder location, there is a default XY value that gets assigned to that location. When you teach the actual XY pick position you move away from that default position, and if the actual pick position is too far away from the defau

feeder maintenance

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 10:39:45 EST 2006 | O.K.

Hello everybody ! I am looking for manuals or catalogs for different makes of feeders - fuji, siemens, gsm. does anybody know where to find it ? thanks in advance, any replies will be appreciated.

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