Electronics Forum: fiducial and training (Page 1 of 15)


Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 13:12:00 EDT 2004 | russ

This little bit was interesting, I posted a very similar response the other day in agrrement with newbie, I was starting to get a little ticked myself and the "going back to the basics" questions that we are starting to see more and more of. I afte

Block repeat and fiducial relation

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 22 15:27:13 EDT 2008 | wayne123

this is the order that I use. 1. Teach pcb origin 2. Teach fiducial location 3. dial in vision on fid in mark info. 4. go into mount and verify that the primary image is on in x/y (after perfoming a teach trace condition) and then do any offsetts if

fiducial cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 12:57:30 EDT 2001 | Morris

I've seen these used & they work quite well. The fiberglass scratch brush. http://contacteast.com/product/prodpage.cfm?grp=4F7A9B48-C870-11D4-8A700050DA5FEB55&sid=FC52FB8C-A662-46E4-B3CBDAD625F7B085 You will want to train the operators to use some

SPEA 4040 installation and training

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 09:58:33 EDT 2010 | cardinal

Hello, I am looking for someone who can do complete installatin and training on a 2005 vintage SPEA 4040 flying probe system. We are willing to pay top dollar for this service; please contact me if you have interest in this job. Future opportuni

Block repeat and fiducial relation

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 14:16:51 EDT 2008 | jax

It depends on whether the Fiducials are Circuit Fiducials (located on the PCB) or Block Fiducials (located on the Panel) His way would be for Block Fiducials.

Block repeat and fiducial relation

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 13:35:51 EDT 2008 | stefi

Hello, I need an advice regarding the next issue: in the case of Assembleon Topaz or Emerald SMT machines, is there necessary to teach first the block repeat coordinates and after that the PCB fiducial coordinates when you do not have these coordina

Block repeat and fiducial relation

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 22 15:26:18 EDT 2008 | rway

I rarely use blk fiducials. But when I do, they are always programmed after the fids. It's the fids that sets your general alignment of the panel. I only use blk fidus for thin pcbs (30 mil) that tend to warp when on the conveyor.

Block repeat and fiducial relation

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 19:18:47 EDT 2008 | duchoang

My steps are different in that case: 1- Check mounts. Try to adjust origin point until get the pretty good mount positions. 2- Teach fiducials ( Board fids, not panel fids) 3- Use fids, check mount again. 4- If OK, then teach Block Repeat. This alwas

SMT training classes and start up equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 16:34:13 EDT 1998 | Denis Desrochers, Manufacturing Engineer

We are just starting out with SMT. I need any and all the information you have. We are looking to start a small to mid range line.

MySelective Soltec 6748 install and training in Mass

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 23 11:20:51 EDT 2018 | gregcr

Hi All, I am looking for a tech able to provide final install and training on a MySelective Soltec 6748 machine in South East Massachusetts. Recommendations would be appreciated. thanks

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fiducial and training searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Blackfox Training Institute, LLC
Blackfox Training Institute, LLC

Blackfox is the industry leader in providing IPC Certifications, Solder Training, Customized Training Programs, and Counterfeit Component Training and Certification.

Training Provider / Standards Setting / Certification / Manufacturer / Consultant / Service Provider

701 Delaware Ave. Unit B
Longmont, CO USA

Phone: 303-684-0135