Electronics Forum: flux profile recomendation (Page 1 of 80)

reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 08:59:38 EDT 2000 | Eugene Smelik

Dr. Lee, For Pb-free solders, will the reflow profile be similar to that of Sn/Pb, with an flux activation plateau before going to peak reflow, or will the profile be more linear in nature? Are there advantages/disadvantages to either profile for P

wave profile

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 19:21:58 EDT 2002 | davef

Look to: * Your flux supplier's recommendations to baseline your recipe [similar to using your paste supplier's recommendations for setting your reflow recipe] * 7530 'Guidelines for Temperature Profiling for Mass Soldering (Reflow and Wave)' for gui

Reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 25 21:18:03 EST 2006 | callckq

Dear all, I would like to learn from all regarding purpose of each profile stages, such as preheat, soak, peak cooling. At what stages, flux start to be activated? Thanks for your time,

Reduce flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 12:30:19 EST 2007 | slthomas

Change pastes, although insufficient heating may leave excessive residues. Is this on one board or all products? No Clean or water soluble? Do you profile accurately or "guesstimate" your settings?

5 zone oven profile

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 06 04:19:52 EDT 2011 | grahamcooper22

Almit are specialists in formulating fluxes for pastes and wires for the very very demanding Japanese assembly market. And the key to good SMT is how the flux performs...and our formulation improvements are driven by requests from the companies who a

profile ramp starts in??

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 20 19:35:28 EST 2006 | darby

From Indium Guru, (Hi Rich). "Ramp can be taken anywhere.... but mainly you want to look at the ramp when the flux is doing it's job. For the Indium paste, I would set a ramp rate of 100 to 200 (or 120 to 210).. somewhwere in that range should provi

Re: optimized profile

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 12:24:45 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| Hello all, | | Our guys here still have some questions on the "optimized" profile which sees a more moderate ramp up straight to reflow temperatures versus the conventional profile which has a plateau at around 150 Celsius. If the optimized profi

Re: optimized profile

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 14:43:34 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Hello all, | | | | Our guys here still have some questions on the "optimized" profile which sees a more moderate ramp up straight to reflow temperatures versus the conventional profile which has a plateau at around 150 Celsius. If the optimized

Reflow profile training ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 16 15:38:46 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip

This person needs to have the "mental faculties" and a basic understanding of science, and understand concepts like flux, solder paste, time vs. temperature curves, etc. Do they have to be a metallurgist?? Of course not, but at the minimum they hav

Coolingproblem in reflow profile

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 22:33:54 EDT 2005 | davef

Peter: Please explain: * You say, "The cooling phase is important to perform the strength of the solder joint." [We agree that fast cooling rates produce fine grain in solder and that fine grained solder connections are stronger than coarse grained.

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