Electronics Forum: fluxes for a selective soldering (Page 1 of 49)

Right flux for alpaca selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 25 19:26:39 EDT 2012 | caurbach

So, I just learned that alpaca isn't just a cousin of the llama, it's also a Cu/Ni alloy (imitation silver). Creeped me out at first... When you say "poor filling and no solder", are you referring to wetting problems? Do you have any photos you co

Inline Aqueous Wash for WS and RMA fluxes

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 11:49:28 EST 2006 | K

We currently have RMA and WS soldering processes here and do batch cleaning for both. We are experiencing some capacity issues and are interested in looking at an IN-LINE aqueous wash. My experience with in-line wash is only with WS. 1. Since RMAs

Right flux for alpaca selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 24 18:03:43 EDT 2012 | rmazenha

Hi, i am using AIM 264-5 No Clean flux for soldering alpaca pieces on PCB boads, but i am having problems: poor filling and no solder. I am using SAC 305 lead free solder. I have tried to change flux pressure, time, ammount as well solder speed an

Expected First Pass Yield for selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 29 12:47:25 EDT 2012 | deanm

We are experiencing widely varying First Pass Yields for selective soldering. Some boards are near 100% while others are less than 50% depending on the pitch and general complexity of the board. Question: If you are running 100 boards through your s

Throiugh Hole pad missing after selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 18 12:14:39 EDT 2022 | proceng1

As far as hole fill, as was stated above, class 2 only requires 50% up-fill. In order to get better up-fill on the initial pass, you may need to consider more pre-heat. Also, better application of flux. Are you using a drop jet, or a spray? You

Trouble selective soldering fine pitch connectors

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 19 10:33:58 EST 2012 | emeto

I had a connector like this and here is my recommendation: 1. Flux type(I like better alchohol based flux than water based) 2. Try higher soldering speed(when I say higher I mean several times higher) Goodf Luuck!

Trouble selective soldering fine pitch connectors

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 12 16:12:58 EST 2012 | tombstonesmt

Glad to hear we have more Jade users on the forum! What kind of flux footprint is your fluxer leaving on the board? You called it a "spray" fluxer.. We use the MIC fluxer that functions like a jet fluxer. Do you flux each individual lead or do a

Ionic contamination vs selective soldering ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 17 04:31:52 EDT 2008 | d0min0

Hello, tried searching the SMTnet archives, but not yet a clear answer - maybe there is not a one yet ? ;) last discussion I found is few years old so maybe there is a fresh view on that? Q: we want to prove that our proces is "clean" we use SAC30

Throiugh Hole pad missing after selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 13 12:10:47 EDT 2022 | winston_one

Hello! We have a strange effect. Some pads of big trough-hole DDR slot just dessapear. Initialy it was soldered with selective soldering process (leaded, 290 degrees, ImSn finish, very short storage). Then some connectors with poor barrel fill we hav

Trouble selective soldering fine pitch connectors

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 10 13:26:40 EST 2012 | dyoungquist

We are using our selective solder machine to solder a backplane with sixteen (16) 4x48 pin 0.080" connectors. Our first pass yield is about 85% meaning that 85% of the connectors come out with no bridges. Not quite as fine pitch as your connector a

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