Electronics Forum: flyingprobe pins for heads (Page 1 of 1)

BGA Voiding for RoHS

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 07:21:02 EST 2009 | CL

Good Morning, I have seen many posts regarding BGA voiding being excessive and what can be done to better the condition. I have a customer that has an assembly that we have had a diufficult time with. We have spent a lot of time debugging the proces

Standoff heights for glue syringes

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 04 11:10:22 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| Hi Stoney, | Justin is giving you some good advice, unfortunately these kinda' problems sometimes call for the ol' D.O.E...otherwise, you could be chasing your tail for a while until you figure out exactly what's causing your problems. | Has

Optimal Speed for Universal Chip Shooters

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 16:30:33 EDT 2003 | T.Vick

You have received some great feedback so far. I would like to summarize and add a few points regarding maintenance. You should start (as recommended already) by verifying your component library data. Using the default values from the master library i

How to use solder paste for thru holes

Electronics Forum | Sat May 15 09:28:44 EDT 2010 | dekhead

I worked with a customer about 2 years ago on a process similar using ProFlow head to put paste in holes for through hole... Similar to Pin in Paste. Somewhat successful; but ran into heat related damage issue from TH components through reflow.

help GSM2 Spindles error: All spindles safe sensor not seen for head

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 20 15:57:57 EDT 2014 | edwaterfall01

The numeric display number should be higher but only when all 7 spindles are moved down slightly from the full up position. The 7 spindles retract up to the Stop Bar. Each spindle assembly has a tapered hole thru it. This hole is in the block with t


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