Electronics Forum: fr4 material model (Page 1 of 29)

fr4 material

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 16:18:29 EST 1999 | greg cronin

I am looking for a supplier for bare fr4 material. I use the fr4 for fixtures and my supply has run out. A supplier in the new england area would be the best. thank you

Re: fr4 material

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 10 18:37:27 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| I am looking for a supplier for bare fr4 material. I use the fr4 for fixtures and my supply has run out. A supplier in the new england area would be the best. | thank you | New England Laminate Co (NELCO) and Polyclad in NH. Earl Moon

Re: fr4 material

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 11 10:37:01 EST 1999 | Justin Medernach

| | I am looking for a supplier for bare fr4 material. I use the fr4 for fixtures and my supply has run out. A supplier in the new england area would be the best. | | thank you | | | New England Laminate Co (NELCO) and Polyclad in NH. | | Earl Moo

High voltage PCB material

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 11:44:34 EDT 2002 | jsmith01

Does anyone know of a PCB material that is better at preventing arcing than fr4 or g10?

High voltage PCB material

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 16:55:39 EDT 2002 | davef

Yes. Ceramic is much better. We use FR4 in fairly high voltage circuits. What are the particulars? * Where are you arcing * How many layers, prepreg, etc

BT material properties

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 28 17:23:11 EST 2003 | C. M. Gabel

I am working with a BGA package. The laminate layer is being modeled as BT-Cu smear. The thermal conductivity of BT is 0.19 W/mK. Does anyone know what the density and specific heat values are for BT?

BT material props

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 28 17:28:02 EST 2003 | C. M. Gabel

I am working with a BGA package. The laminate layer is being modeled as BT-Cu smear. The thermal conductivity of BT is 0.19 W/mK. Does anyone know what the density and specific heat values are for BT?

PCB material Nelco13 and FR4

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 23:57:42 EDT 2004 | George

Could anyone tell me the difference in PCB material Nelco13 and FR4? PCB dielectric material Nelco13 is quite new for me and I knew nothing about it. For imcoming quality control (IQC), I am asked to identify PCB made of FR4 and Nelco13. How to do th

PCB material Nelco13 and FR4

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 01:44:02 EDT 2004 | George

Thanks a lot !

PCB material Nelco13 and FR4

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 07:13:40 EDT 2004 | davef

Nelco was developed by Park [ http://www.parknelco.com/parknelco/highspeed.htm ] Without fairly involved testing, you may be forced to rely on a c of c from your fabricator. Although, Park may be able to give you a lead.

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