Electronics Forum: front light a fuji (Page 1 of 16)

IP1 for Placement of BGA's?

Electronics Forum | Sat May 29 14:34:34 EDT 1999 | Mark D.

Is it possible to place parts that do not have leadframes exposed when looking from the top side of the part such as BGA's using a Fuji IP1 with a SMD1 vision (Binary) system. I realize that the IP1 does not have front lighting but according to a Fuj

Which pick and place machine is a best for startup company?Thks

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 20:56:54 EST 2005 | Kathy-Sunnyvale

Dear All, Our star-up company will be operated in soon, but I still have many questions and concerns about SMT pick&place machine (being good for 0402 and BGA componens)since there have too many kind of machine with various grand name such as Amist

Re: IP1 for Placement of BGA's?

Electronics Forum | Sat May 29 15:55:04 EDT 1999 | M Cox

| Is it possible to place parts that do not have leadframes exposed when looking from the top side of the part such as BGA's using a Fuji IP1 with a SMD1 vision (Binary) system. I realize that the IP1 does not have front lighting but according to a F

Re: IP1 for Placement of BGA's?

Electronics Forum | Sat May 29 22:20:56 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Is it possible to place parts that do not have leadframes exposed when looking from the top side of the part such as BGA's using a Fuji IP1 with a SMD1 vision (Binary) system. I realize that the IP1 does not have front lighting but according to a

Re: IP1 for Placement of BGA's?

Electronics Forum | Sun May 30 11:43:23 EDT 1999 | M Cox

| | | Is it possible to place parts that do not have leadframes exposed when looking from the top side of the part such as BGA's using a Fuji IP1 with a SMD1 vision (Binary) system. I realize that the IP1 does not have front lighting but according to

Re: IP1 for Placement of BGA's?

Electronics Forum | Sun May 30 15:11:10 EDT 1999 | M Cox

| | | | | Is it possible to place parts that do not have leadframes exposed when looking from the top side of the part such as BGA's using a Fuji IP1 with a SMD1 vision (Binary) system. I realize that the IP1 does not have front lighting but accordin

Re: IP1 for Placement of BGA's?

Electronics Forum | Sun May 30 12:33:36 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | Is it possible to place parts that do not have leadframes exposed when looking from the top side of the part such as BGA's using a Fuji IP1 with a SMD1 vision (Binary) system. I realize that the IP1 does not have front lighting but according

QFN shape on Fuji Flexa for CP6

Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 18:40:02 EDT 2010 | dcell_1t

Hi. I'm trying to develop a shape to place a QFN at a CP6, I'm using FujiFlexa. We have never had a shape for this particular component, we only draw as a rectangle and put a rectangle vision No (10 in this case) but we're scarifying accuracy. is th

Re: IP1 for Placement of BGA's?

Electronics Forum | Sun May 30 18:34:04 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | | | Is it possible to place parts that do not have leadframes exposed when looking from the top side of the part such as BGA's using a Fuji IP1 with a SMD1 vision (Binary) system. I realize that the IP1 does not have front lighting but accord

Problems placing PLCC4 parts with Fuji IP1 - any help/ideas?

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 17 06:24:44 EDT 2008 | tegel

Hi, When you tried vision type 254, did you change the size of the body? On 254 the body size should be the outer dimension of a component, so on a PLCC (or any other component) the leads should be included in the body size as well. One other thing r

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