Electronics Forum: fuji cognex 4800 vision card (Page 1 of 1)

Fuji IP3 Problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 12:04:32 EDT 2006 | fastek

I am going to be scrapping out a 1997 IP-3E soon. It is a complete machine EXCEPT for the 4800 vision card. If there are cards you might need and don't feel like getting hosed by Fuji, let me know. Rick

BGA placement using MCS-16 & IP-3

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 24 01:01:41 EDT 2005 | FAC

If you are only concerned with the outline and it has 4 corners, VT-10 or 254 will work with backlighting. If the FIP3 machine has a 4400 card installed, frontlighting with high I/O counts could take a while during vision processing. If your machine


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