Electronics Forum: fuji cp6 id code (Page 1 of 43)

Please help! looking for cp6 fuji feeder!

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 17:47:50 EDT 2010 | smtmax

I'm looking for CP6 fuji feeder. 16mm x 12mm (KO=8.3mm) 24mm x 20mm (KO=10.9mm) Please help! Thanks!

cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 30 15:32:33 EDT 2009 | jimmyboz

most fuji error codes are 8 digits, A21E is 2100A21E, it is a report from the MCS that transmission has failed (we knew that) Hit control E from the main screen of the MCS, there should be another error reported from the cp6, ie. 1101000 is x data ou

Fuji cp6 re-reading fiducials

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 01:29:07 EDT 2005 | matjen

We are using Fuji-Flexa software and we are not sure where to go in the software to check the proper data. If anyone has Fuji-Flexa software and could direct us in the right direction please let me know. Thanks.

Fuji cp6 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 10:38:51 EDT 2015 | cyber_wolf

The published Fuji CP6 placing accuracy specification is plus/minus .1mm I would say that your machine is running just fine.

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 09:05:38 EDT 2005 | jdengler

Try http://www.smtresearch.com/ But the price is not much cheaper than new ones.

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 19:25:02 EDT 2005 | matjen

I found a place that exchanges old nozzles for new ones; thanks for the inputs though.

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 30 10:11:47 EDT 2005 | Stefan

Here is another one: http://www.cotinc.com/product_range.htm

Fuji cp6 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 11 07:26:20 EDT 2015 | linux

Think you right, not enough to be worried about. Thanks for all your help.

Fuji cp6 nozzle repair

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 19:56:20 EDT 2005 | matjen

I am in the process of searching for anyone that does repair on fuji cp6 nozzles .7 & 1.0 mainly, We have an abundance of bent and broken nozzles that I would like to get repaired rather than throwing out so if anyone has information on this please

Fuji cp6 placement issues

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 07 19:16:54 EDT 2015 | linux

Hello everyone, I'm looking for help with placement issue on our cp6 Fuji. On occasion we have to adjust co ordinates on the x and y axis usually about 0.12mm. Ball screw was replaced did not fix issue. Anything else we could try. Thanks everyone

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