Electronics Forum: fuji error codes 35 (Page 1 of 6)

cp6 communication error

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 30 15:32:33 EDT 2009 | jimmyboz

most fuji error codes are 8 digits, A21E is 2100A21E, it is a report from the MCS that transmission has failed (we knew that) Hit control E from the main screen of the MCS, there should be another error reported from the cp6, ie. 1101000 is x data ou

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 10:35:54 EDT 2013 | nophsem

Data base Utilities --> Download MOD Codes to assembler) and the motor error # 5 appeared instantly in the handheld.

Fuji CP3 Main-Conveyor error Problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 00:35:33 EDT 2013 | sonavc

thanks I tested the conveyor A or B , when it is on the motor turn and the green LED at the out put card is also light on. But when i turn on the X y table motor , the green LED is on , but the motor is not run. I will try to replace the I/O

Fuji QP242 tz axis comm error

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 18 21:06:45 EDT 2019 | dman97

Based on the fuji error codes, It says that the ARCNET cable is disconnected. Make sure that all cables from this module are connected to the QP.

Fuji servo IS70B board error codes?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 02:15:36 EDT 2010 | smellew

Hi Rodrigo, Have you fixed your CP65? do you need some help? llew

Fuji CP4 with a Q4 Rotation error

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 11 12:35:01 EDT 2012 | zrunkle_api

Thanks for the help. I will lock into that. The weird thing is if we let the machine sit for like 30 mins it will run again for like 30 mins to an hour and then give the Q4 Rotation error.

Fuji servo IS70B board error codes?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 17:44:40 EDT 2010 | rodrigo

We're still trying to fix a C-axis overflow error in our CP-65. I was swapping servo boards and one of them started to blinks a 2 on the LED single digit display and the machine didn't boot up. I replaced the servo board with a spare we bought on eba

Fuji GSP III machine not turning on and showing SO error

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 07 18:38:32 EST 2020 | enzik

Hello to all, The Fuji GSP III screen printer was working well yesterday. This morning, the machine turned on and the display screen was showing nothing. I went to the back of the machine and reset one of the VM1152A. The display screen is now showi

Fuji CP 65 Error Code:12037A20

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 02 14:00:39 EST 2018 | magergar

I have a problem with my fuji machine, it was working and then this error code appear: INTL SRV creation error Error Code:12037A20 and this shows every time on boot and doesn't let me do anything. what should I check?

FUJI Error Code

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 17:52:30 EDT 2003 | samaniegocesar

I found the problem. The CPU is damaged I change the cards and it works.. Thanks and best Regards...

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