Electronics Forum: fuji fuji ip2 ip3 nozzle (Page 1 of 6)

question about fuji ip3 machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 17:43:46 EST 1998 | Guillermo Villegas

Does anybody know how to update a different nozzle than the standard one on a Fuji IP3 machine? I want to use a 15.8 mm height nozzle, but the limit on height size is 10 mm for IP3.I know, I need to use a special nozzle, so I�m trying with a 16.00 m

Re: question about fuji ip3 machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 18:47:19 EST 1998 | phillip hunter

| Does anybody know how to update a different nozzle than the standard one on a Fuji IP3 machine? | | I want to use a 15.8 mm height nozzle, but the limit on height size is 10 mm for IP3.I know, I need to use a special nozzle, so I�m trying with a 1

Re: fuji machin

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 09:03:00 EDT 1999 | Kenny Chew

Looking to purchases: GL-2, GL5, GL541E CP4-3, CP-6 IP-2, IP-3

Re: fuji feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 03 12:21:53 EST 1998 | phillip hunter

| Thanks for your reply. | I am interested in knowing about maintenance schedules and levels. I'm wondering how to know if I must replace a part. What part? What type of lubrication (for Fuji). Etc. | My company is small in terms of number of lines

Re: fuji feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 20 23:00:07 EST 1998 | David Lombard

| | Thanks for your reply. | | I am interested in knowing about maintenance schedules and levels. I'm wondering how to know if I must replace a part. What part? What type of lubrication (for Fuji). Etc. | | My company is small in terms of number of

ip3 placing head error

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 05:07:53 EDT 2011 | johndoe0222

I received an error on my fuji ip3 which is: "Placing head 1 nozzle has become detached." Does anyone have any idea what is going on and how to fix this. Thanks

Fuji cp3 and ip2 placement speed

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 12 18:51:42 EDT 2002 | russ

The "BEST" thsat they could do is what is in the manual. BUT we all know that no-one that I know of designs boards with only 0805 on .100" centers with one component. CP 3 should give you on average maybe 10k per hour. IP 2 I really don't know sin


Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 23:22:44 EDT 2000 | Micah Newcomb

Jerry, Contact FujiAmerica and ask for their newest product Guide. Some differences are..... IP2 - SMD1 vision (back lighting only, coplanarity check optional) IP3 - SMD3 vision (back, front, coplanarity check optional) IP3 - BGA transport, I

BGA's and the Fuji IP2

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 12 12:30:56 EDT 2002 | soupatech

I just go off the phone w/ Fuji and they seem to think that the lizard tounge (used another name, same idea) is only available for the IP3. They had a few other suggestions for adapting the IP2 like a rubber pad for the carrier or building "rails" to

Re: Fuji Ip2 macro BGA Placment

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 17:09:14 EST 2000 | John McMasters

I would assume the IP2 version is similar to the IP3. I've installed 2 of the IP3 ones and they work fine. The retro is pretty simple. Tape and reel is fine if you have the room on the MFU's, we didn't have that luxury though.

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