Electronics Forum: fuji low cost smd line[0] (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Which SMD placement machines are easiest to use?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 06:12:14 EST 2000 | Dean

Opeator point of view: 1. eassy to read menues. Organized structure. Large text and use of color to indicate important info status...green=good, yellow= warning, red=fatal etc. Simplicity rules in this realm. GUI are great for operations screens

Re: Printing Adhesive

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 18:01:11 EDT 1999 | Bill Schreiber

Just a note about cleaning SMD adhesives. Cleaning does not need to be hazardous. Smart Sonic has a non hazardous process that has been used for over 9 years using a non hazardous detergent that has been certified by the AQMD as a clean air chemist

Re: Printing Adhesive

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 18:02:37 EDT 1999 | Bill Schreiber

Just a note about cleaning SMD adhesives. Cleaning does not need to be hazardous. Smart Sonic has a non hazardous process that has been used for over 9 years using a non hazardous detergent that has been certified by the AQMD as a clean air chemist


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