Electronics Forum: fuji np-153e x 1 set (d1) (Page 1 of 4)

FUJI CP642 narrow camera flicker

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 19:02:12 EST 2023 | madisreivik

Found the main problem During messing around (hopelessly :) we had found the calibration menu and pressed "check". Machine thought that there was a calibration nozzle (maybe 10x10mm square) but in reality, there was d=1.0mm nozzle. Machine decided

Fuji CP6-5 Servo Z overflow?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 10:10:18 EDT 2006 | rmitchell

Hi, Our CP6-5 has a Z overflow error when trying to zero set. The table moves in X and Y and almost zeros prior to the Z overflow. Servo Amp? Rob

Fuji NXT I backup pin problems

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 15:20:15 EDT 2014 | kojotssss

Hello for all People's .I have a question. I have a problems with backup pin placement.When x/y robot tried to set up pins: we got a problem- X=-0.200 and y=-0.880 To my mind ther are a problem with air cylinder and axis.Any solutions?! can you c

Fuji CP6 Issues, Questions

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 17 05:42:58 EDT 2007 | mika

Hi Shrek, I quote: " Well, whether your parents like it or not, I am an ogre! And guess what, princess Mika? That's not about to change. My background is that I�m a big, good looking guy that is used to gettin� my way with my wit and muscle." I don

Cad to Fuji MCS

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 05:26:26 EDT 2007 | Mark

Hello, I used MCS long time ago but we used Hyperterminal from PC to send data through serial port to the MCS computer. We only sent x,y and rotation without device. You have to convert initial data in excel then try to use help from someone who

Fuji cp6 re-reading fiducials

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 30 05:22:11 EDT 2005 | dougs

it's been a while since i've worked on a CP6 but there is a sensor around the X-Y table ( near the back, it's not attached to the table, it sits just below the turret area )that tells the machine if there is a board there, i think you need to set thi

Fuji CP4 & 0402

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 08:40:12 EST 2008 | jdengler

Hi AJ, Change ALL 12 of the 1.0mm to 0.7mm. The CP 4 can only set nozzle size for S M and L not some of the 12 but all 12. 0402 usually come in 8 x 2 mm tape so you need 8 x 2 feeders or you will waste 1 component for every component you use. T

Fuji CP6-4000 vs. CP643

Electronics Forum | Tue May 19 09:13:45 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

The loaders/carriers work well on CP643's in my opinion. We have had ours for about 4 years. However, if you crash them it can be a beeoch to get everything back into proper function. We have very little issue as long as we have our techs do rail wi

Fuji IP2 MTU giving me fits

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 21 09:40:40 EST 2018 | kdexter0928

I am at wits end with this machine. The MTU on my IP2 will not zero set. It gives me a few different errors depending on its mood. I receive MTU T- OT, MTU X- OT, or MTU Y- OT. when the machine attempts to zero set it travels until it OTs. I have tri


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 17 19:43:20 EDT 2009 | fujiphil

Have you eliminated the hardware N.G.? Check the connection for the rear door. If the connection are ok, try to bypass the key. short the two wires for the rear door. If the rear door problem is corrected, check the rear door switch physically. Reg

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