Electronics Forum: fuji qp-341e-mm flexible placer (Page 1 of 1)

Used equipment price estimates..?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 11:00:19 EDT 1998 | Matt Harding

I have some potential unused SMT equipment which may be candidates for sale. Any input regarding the value or expected going rate would be appreciated. CONDITION: E - Excellent Condition F - Fair Condition G - Good Condition Equipment List: BRAND

Re: Used equipment price estimates..?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 22:00:50 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| I have some potential unused SMT equipment which may be candidates for sale. Any input regarding the value or expected going rate would be appreciated. | CONDITION: | E - Excellent Condition | F - Fair Condition | G - Good Condition | Equipment Li

Quad 1000, looking for opinion

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 04:19:59 EST 2005 | rlackey

There have been times when we could have done with having a Ken or 2; He may not always agree with everyone but he has demonstrated a very good process knowledge over all the time I've been using SMT net. Also I've never read one of his posts that w

Re: Hi-Speed SMT manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 29 18:48:19 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| SMT Mfg. Equipment: Fuji CP-6/IP-3 - but please all hi-speed chip placer users input are appreciated !! | | The company that I work for is a C/M which offers both consignment but mostly turnkey work. I am currently running 3 Fuji lines. All parts

Universal Genesis Inline7

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 11:19:07 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice

Ahh but you're missing the key points. The YSM40 is in no way ever intended to operate on its own, to keep those 4 heads busy they all need to be placing high volume parts, combined with a high throughput of PCB's probably in dual lane mode which in

Re: Hi-Speed SMT manufacturing

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 17 22:55:25 EST 1999 | Dave Kalen

| | SMT Mfg. Equipment: Fuji CP-6/IP-3 - but please all hi-speed chip placer users input are appreciated !! | | | | The company that I work for is a C/M which offers both consignment but mostly turnkey work. I am currently running 3 Fuji lines. All

Re: Product Segmentation in Pick Place Machines?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 13 16:29:17 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Dearest Jennifer, | | | | Ooooops! Forgot which one I was writing - please forgive me. Ah yes, SMT and you, you see even we don't get it right. If you combined all our answers, you would get close - as close as when we get frustrated. | | | | A


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