Electronics Forum: fuji qp2 power up (Page 1 of 5)

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 15:21:12 EDT 2012 | jdengler

Have you tried to do a reset start? When Fuji's act weird the first place to start is a reset start, then re-load the Proper Status and Program. Jerry

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 17:49:35 EDT 2012 | rodrigo

I've done the Fuji flush. It does the same thing. We can not load proper again because it does not communicate with either the F4G or MCS/30. I was able to boot into mechanical mode at one point but now I can not do that either. This thing is drivi

CP-642 sometimes does not finish power up sequence. It hangs.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 12:50:39 EDT 2020 | rodrigo

Hi all, One of our Fuji CP-642 machines has a weird problem. It does not happen every time but often enough that it is a problem. I power up and press start to zero it. The problem is the zero...ing does not finish. It moves the xy-table, D1/D2 table

FUJI IP3 MFU1 no power

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 12:22:52 EST 2015 | dman97

Hi there. I have an IP3 machine that refuses to power up the MFU cart on side 1. I have already replaced the I/O card but still no dice. Is there a relay or fuse that I need to check to get this to power up? The machine will not operate the camera

FUJI IP3 MFU1 no power

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 24 15:32:10 EST 2015 | swiese242

Hi there. I have an IP3 machine that refuses to > power up the MFU cart on side 1. I have already > replaced the I/O card but still no dice. Is > there a relay or fuse that I need to check to get > this to power up? The machine will not operate

Fuji IP3E Start up problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 07:44:41 EDT 2010 | jdengler

Did the machine work when you first installed it? Have you done a reset start yet? Make sure you have air applied when you power up. The IP's don't like to power up without the air.

Fuji IP3E Start up problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 10:41:28 EDT 2010 | chrislyttle

We've been having some problems with out Fuji IP2E machine that we've recently bought from a company that is no longer operating here. Since installing it we've encountered a few problems with it starting up. To give you a quick breakdown of its be

Fuji CP6 24V Power Supply shorted at power up?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 17 20:50:42 EDT 2017 | davef

For service related problem, contact Dave Byker at 847-913-0162

Fuji CP6 24V Power Supply shorted at power up?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 12 17:05:22 EDT 2017 | rodrigo

Hi all, Our Fuji cp6 woke up with a bad power supply (ps) this morning. The ps is one of two 24vdc (Corsel P300E-24). There is one inside the cabinet and one on the door where the cpu card is. The bad one is the one inside the cabinet. So we had anot

Fuji IP1 not reading fiducials

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 15:52:11 EDT 2010 | markhoch

If the above recomendations do not help...(I'd try them first) Did you try the infamous "Fuji Fix"? Power the machine all the way down and power it back up. (Rebooting the software)

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