Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 09 15:56:19 EDT 2005 | james
I would love to buy enough feeders, just for the common parts but unless I find somewhere cheap to buy them it can very expensive. We use our own internal part numbers with using smart feeding stations. Also we are going to try to leave all the comm
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 11 19:52:39 EST 2015 | dontfeedphils
I've dealt with MyData, Assembleon, Fuji, and Juki over the last 9 years with the majority being MyData and Juki so I'll talk about them. MyData was very nice for high mix/low volume due to the ease of setup and smart feeders, but I felt like I was
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 03 16:26:37 EDT 2009 | wisch123
The most innovative new technology today is ccoming out of Fuji. They don't really advertise, so if you haven't gone to a show lately you might not have seen it. The machine is call the XPF-W and it sets the new standard for quality, accuracy, reliab
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 09:46:48 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
| | Hello everyone, | | Anybody know how to prevent EOS problem? | | Recently, we sent some defective IC components to original suppliers for further analysis, but the result is those parts were all damaged by EOS! | | Please somebody help us to pre
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 09:33:22 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| Hello everyone, | Anybody know how to prevent EOS problem? | Recently, we sent some defective IC components to original suppliers for further analysis, but the result is those parts were all damaged by EOS! | Please somebody help us to prevent thi
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 10 13:44:29 EDT 1999 | Gyver
| | | Hello everyone, | | | Anybody know how to prevent EOS problem? | | | Recently, we sent some defective IC components to original suppliers for further analysis, but the result is those parts were all damaged by EOS! | | | Please somebody help u
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 17:29:18 EDT 2002 | pjc
Forget what the machine's max. placement cycle rate is spec'd for. For each board you assemble time the actual placement rate. To do this start the stop watch the instant the camera is positioned over the first fiducial on the first board, then stop
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 20:44:42 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory
Hello Sanjay! The cheap deal I use that Earl spoke of is called a SMarT Measure. It's a depth measuring microscope that uses the same principle of measuring optical focus that the units from Vision Engineering do ( if you've ever looked at any
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 11:08:29 EST 1999 | Mike McMonagle
Steve, Whoa, take a breath! That was at least a dollar three-eighty answer. I've got to agree that nothing can replace a qualified, concientious operator for assuring quality. When I too worked at a small shop there in SillyCone Valley, my seni
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 14 15:22:14 EST 1999 | Earl Moon
| Steve, | Whoa, take a breath! That was at least a dollar three-eighty answer. I've got to agree that nothing can replace a qualified, concientious operator for assuring quality. When I too worked at a small shop there in SillyCone Valley, my