Electronics Forum: fuji vm1931a memory (Page 1 of 4)

Fuji IP1 won't start

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 15:09:23 EDT 2013 | bvdb

Hi, Yes, there is a board marked "Memory Board" but it does not actually contain any memory. The memory card is attached to the CPU card. The board marked "Memory" is a board that allows you to plug in a Compact Flash (CF) memory card which we do

Anyone experianced with FUJI PCMCIA Flash Memory cards

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 16:56:46 EST 2022 | rstellema

Hello all, I have a couple of old FUJI CP-6 SMT placement machines that are operating with very old PCMCIA Flash Memory cards. I would like to insure that I have back-ups should the memory cards fail. I assume that I would need a support USB reader/w

FUJI Error Code

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 17:30:38 EDT 2003 | ServGuy

00c is a hardware interuption Addr F92228A0 is out of the card rack, meaning probably the CPU or memory PCB is out of control. Swap the 1st and or last card in the card rack with another machine or from spares.

Fuji FCP-IV-2 error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 17 12:19:41 EST 2010 | cyber_wolf

Remove the HIMV-134 card. Unscrew the piggy back memory card and re-seat it. See if that helps.

Director Fuji Flexa + CP4

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 00:35:13 EDT 2012 | fujiphil

If you have the backup files for your program and proper. Try to flush-out the machine memory. Then try again to report CP4 to flexa. If the reporting went good, the communication must be ok. Resend the proper and program.


Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 15 20:44:00 EDT 2013 | dman97

So I swapped the memory card out and it seems to be a bit better. It doesn't kill the 24v power quite as much anymore. Thanks for the tip. I will monitor this throughout the week.

Fuji IP1 won't start

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 23 00:01:03 EDT 2013 | jgarver1

Bert, Do you have an extra memory board? I would recommend swapping it next. JG

Fuji IP1 won't start

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 10 14:15:19 EDT 2013 | bvdb

No, changing the VM1931 CF memory board allowed the IP-1 to start working again. The VM1931 was causing the problem. Later I removed the VM1931 completely and the IP-1 is still happy as a clam and bringing home the bacon. Regards, Bert

FUJI IP3 MTU problems - property data not sent to MTU, program NG

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 24 13:08:09 EDT 2023 | madisreivik

All is OK now. The machine was offline couple months and probably some memory battery is dead. All problems were solved after uploading prop data to IP and MTU.

FUJI Error Code

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 11:09:59 EDT 2003 | samaniegocesar

Hello to all. I have problems with IP1 Fuji machine, the machine was working properly and suddenly appear the erroc code 000C error task 0028 and error address F92228A0, I turn off and On again, I erase the memory but I have the same prblem, I can n

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