Electronics Forum: gold replating (Page 1 of 2)

replating gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 14:51:31 EDT 2006 | bhu

Can anyone suggest a supplier for gold solution when replating gold fingers that had solder on them?

replating gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 08:43:20 EDT 2006 | russ

Try the circuit repair corporation www.circuitrepair.com

replating gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 07:40:11 EDT 2006 | davef

Check the fine SMTnet Archives, like: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=9250

replating gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 08:09:51 EDT 2006 | Steve Gregory

Go to: http://www.hunterproducts.com/micro-metallizer.htm It's great system and you don't ever have to worry about spilling the solution.

solder on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 09:20:29 EST 2010 | jrr3434

Is there anyway to get solder off gold fingers besides replating them?

solder on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 16:16:17 EST 2010 | stepheniii

My old boss bought some stuff to clean the lead off of gold fingers. At least that is what he thought it did. What it really did was remove the gold fingers. And quite well I might add. The short answer to your question is no. And if you replate mak

Replating a Gold Connector

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 15 12:42:18 EST 2008 | bandjwet

Dear Smtnetters: We have a customer wanting to strip off or overplate a gold microplated connector with tin (gold disposal too difficult) . Does anyone know if this is feasible? Regards BWET

Electroplate Touch up

Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 06:06:34 EDT 2011 | clampron

Good Morning, I have been working with a company that has a selective electroplate touch up system from Rapid Electroplate. They have used this for repairing gold electroplate. Scratches and in some cases, replating pads that had been contaminated w

Re: Gold Finger Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 13 23:33:33 EST 1998 | Kallol Chakraborty

| | | I believe that gold fingers on my circuit boards are being | | | contaminated and need to clean them with some chemical | | | solution. Any recommendations. | | | | | Chuck: What is the type and source of your contamination? Dave F | | We a

Re: Gold Finger Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 14 08:05:54 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | | I believe that gold fingers on my circuit boards are being | | | | contaminated and need to clean them with some chemical | | | | solution. Any recommendations. | | | | | | | Chuck: What is the type and source of your contamination? Dave

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