6 gsm axis lead error during move absolute command results

Electronics Forum: gsm axis lead error during move absolute command (Page 1 of 1)

Axis Head 1 Z Velocity error

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 08:47:09 EDT 2007 | geb

Hi we have a Universal GSM 1 flex head machine. It keeps on bringing up an "Axis Head 1 Z velocity over speed error during move absolute command". Pushing the e-stop button and then start again will allow it to continue making the panel. It happens r

GSM1 occasional fault

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 26 05:42:56 EST 2010 | dilogic

Our GSM1 with Flex2 heads started to generate occasional error message: "Axis head 1 theta positive lead error during move absolute command" and then stop. After palm-down it runs again for some time. Everything looks fine, so I have no idea where

GSM2 Errors

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 12 16:39:59 EDT 2006 | SWAG

Can anyone help point me in the right direction on fixing problems related to the following Universal GSM2 errors?: 1) Axis head 1 Z position following error during Move Absolute command. 2) Axis head 1 Z error not recognized during Move Absolute

GSM1 occasional fault

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 04 02:46:39 EST 2010 | dilogic

OK, here we are: 1. OS is OS&2 2. Sw. is USOS V1.14 3. GSM1 4. 2 Flex2 heads 5. Problem is on the front head 6. No 7. No 8. It just stops in the middle of the placement phase, with the head over PCB area. Usually 2 parts are still held on the nozz

GSM1 occasional fault

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 20:26:49 EST 2010 | mika

Hi, First: 1. What os/system? 2. what s/w version? 3. what type of machine model? 4. What type of head configuration? 5. Do you have this head front or back? 6. Do you have encounter this problem before? 7. Have you recently placed any new "high com

GSM2 spindles Not seen for head

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 25 20:11:58 EDT 2015 | ercdave1

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope I can get some help since I am at the point where I don't know what to do. I have a Q block Universal GSM2 having some issues. I am getting an error message that reads. "spindles Not seen for


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