Electronics Forum: gsm vision (Page 1 of 8)

GSM 3500EX vision system

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 16:36:51 EST 2003 | gregcr

I have a GSM that has a problem with the 3500EX vision box. The box has a AISI part number #700-3571-1 on it. Does anyone know who makes this? or if it is possible to service this item? I have replaced all the batteries already but there is a comm

GSM 3500EX vision system

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 11 16:06:13 EST 2003 | brobinson

Have you contacted Universal at 800-842-9732? Tech support should be able to help you.

GSM 3500EX vision system

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 11 17:06:40 EST 2003 | John O'Donnell

Greetings GC.. have you called the Tech Support folks at Universal Insruments? Their number is 800-842-9732. I would appreciate hearing of your experience and /or success at getting this resolved Regards John O'Donnell 603-433-2125

GSM Old vision system AIS 3500

Electronics Forum | Tue May 10 20:55:26 EDT 2005 | smt

I have the manual with the for that machine with the 3500 vision system for sale.

GSM Old vision system AIS 3500

Electronics Forum | Sat May 07 15:49:19 EDT 2005 | marcelll

Need a wiring info from somebody who have the schematics for a GSM running the old vision system AIM 3500. There's 2 cables plugging in the vision box, "vision DigA" & "vision DigB" with DB15 connector. I need the pin out of these 2 cables to con

GSM Old vision system AIS 3500

Electronics Forum | Sun May 08 08:53:39 EDT 2005 | smtuser1234

Marcel, If I were you I would call Universal and explain what you are trying to do. What are you trying to do ?

Universal GSM 630 VME vision fault

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 02 09:10:20 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Probably similar cost to find one on ebay or a used machine broker vs. repair unless the fault is obvious from visual inspection. I would be interested to know if anyone does service cards from these older VME chassis though.

Universal GSM 630 VME vision fault

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 17:23:00 EDT 2016 | corepride

Hi everyone, I have a problem with the 630 VME vision system: during startup machine, an error popup appears saying "Did not receive request to load machine model within timeout period. Possible machine error condition exists. Do you want to continu

CGA devices - placement and vision

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 27 12:43:43 EST 2001 | gsmguru

I've used an on-axis camera lighting for other components with a good deal of success. (But not for CGA's in particular) I would think it should work pretty well for a CGA application. I've done some pretty odd looking parts with this type of lightin

CGA devices - placement and vision

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 26 14:06:09 EST 2001 | marting

We have just started to be involved with collumn grid array devices and are currently placing them by Universal GSM machinery. We have been advised by Universal that they supply "On Axis" cameras designed for visioning CGA devices, however the cost i

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gsm vision searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation

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