Electronics Forum: gsm zero 24 volts (Page 1 of 1)

Problem juki 730/740

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 21 15:35:22 EDT 2022 | zadir

good afternoon, please tell me, maybe someone has encountered a problem on the juki 730/740 machine.we have a 24 volt 10 amp power supply broken on it (it stopped turning on completely) we changed it, but now stanou can't find the zero point, he come

MPM Accuflex Printer Electrical problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 14:24:12 EDT 2018 | dleeper

I had a similar problem once on an acculfex. The root cause was a short on the one the wire harnesses connected to the print head. If I recall, most of the relays in an accuflex are actuated by the 24 volt bus, so if you have a short anywhere in tha

GSM1 Won't Zero

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 21:22:46 EST 2006 | bigdaddysoy9

The PILZ card, which is in the AC chassis, governs the safety circuit. Check for 24VAC going into the PILZ and 24VDC coming out.

GSM machine stops randomly; "BM" bus master light out

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 12:24:37 EST 2020 | ilavu

1. Palm down the GSM and open the safety cover to check input voltage +12VDC (at KDC2 3PL pins 2 to 3) and output voltage +5VDC (at KDC2 2PL pin 4 to 3) at the DC/DC converter. The DC/DC converter is located inside the control panel assembly ("Nose c

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 14:33:40 EST 2021 | lewis_and_clark

Hi Tom, Spoke with our technical team and our feeder division tells me that the GSM Pneumatic feeders are not compatible with the Advantis Machines, however the Multi Pitch 24 Volt Feeders are. We have a large customer base that uses the Advantis m

GSM2 Universal user name and password

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 19:53:42 EDT 2012 | sonavc

Thank It worked without the user name and password.When I try to zero axis I have other error unable write to global memory 5008. My machine, when turn it on i don't see the power to the Digiplan 8 axis modular and no bright on 24VAC on at servo co

GSM1 Y Axis Limit Switch

Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 08:45:24 EDT 2017 | ilavu

Tom, Its not the scale but the switch itself because while zeroing, if you activate front limit switch for Y axis, Beam should travel back to look for home pulse. It looks like switch signal does not reach to the system.It is really hard to trace the

Fuji Part Library Question

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 11:51:24 EDT 2007 | mika

Hi, Are we talking about the pick-up tolerance so for any chip component set it to 0.5mm. It will save a lot of trouble right there. As for body tolerence if it is a zero then it will automatically use a standard value, based on the size of the body


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