Electronics Forum: handed (Page 1 of 282)

Hand Soldering SMT Cap ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 15:28:45 EDT 2010 | mikesewell

Are the TH parts on the topside hand soldered then? Why not print-place-reflow the topside SMT cap first then run the bottomside through the same process? It is normal, although not preferred to solder SMT parts on by hand. A 1206 should not be di

Hand Lotions

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 01 06:24:11 EST 2002 | cbudzinski

HI Steve I would like a copy of this hand lotion specs too. thanks Caz

Hand Soldering Standard Temperatures

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 17 09:03:14 EST 2002 | Larry Gee

I am looking for information on the industrial standard for the temperature for hand soldering components.

Hand Solderers

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 19 08:36:52 EST 2006 | bsteffen

Does anybody know of a contract/temp company which specializes in hand soldering within the Austin or Houston area?

Looking for data on hand placed production component?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 06 06:47:00 EST 2002 | francoiscal

Hello, Does any one as a database regarding component assemble by hand on a PCB. More accuratelly how much time (per sec) does it take to bend leads on a component(res), time to insert the component by hand, time to solder by hand. Any time base dat

PTH Hand Soldering and Rework Training

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 13 12:33:27 EST 2003 | Steve Freeman

We are currently looking for a local source to perform in house, hands on training for PTH hand soldering and rework. The instruction must be hands on and cover from the basics of soldering through performing rework. We have investigated training thr

Hand Sanitizer

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 11:18:54 EST 2009 | 14367

RRLotion, you said you offer an antibacterial hand lotion. I looked at your web site and no where in the literature for your hand lotion does it state that it has any antibacterial capability. I looked at the MSDS and there are no active ingredient

Hand Lotions

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 04 09:06:53 EST 2002 | Joshua Brown

What hand lotions are recommended for use with electronics manufacturing. Also what chemicals in regular hand lotions are toxic or harmful when used in electronic manufacturing.

Handskin reaction!!

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 16:52:32 EST 2005 | caldon

Latex sensitivity is HUge. Try changing to vynal gloves. Also keeping the hands moist is a good idea. ESD Hand cream is an option. Just becareful when using the hand cream as it may transfer to boards, stencils, components......

Hand Soldering SMT Cap ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 17:42:08 EDT 2010 | asksmt

TH Parts are hand loaded - some are wave soldered and some hand soldered. smt 1206 on top side can be reflowed as you suggested but it's addition of one more step of reflow cycle in process for production. and i think that's why they are reluctant

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