Electronics Forum: hardware delta (Page 1 of 1)

Re: FR4 vs Polyamide

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 15 15:33:47 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| Any info on the pros and cons of FR4 or Polyamide ref the use of soldering PGAs would be helpful. ie. temp co-efficient diffs, baking, wave soldering, Convection reflow etc | I'm sure you know all the basic differences as Tg, X, Y, and Z expansi

PCB intake speed on a Soltec oven

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 17 08:25:13 EST 2005 | grantp

Hi, Yes, I was talking about the oven, but then thinking about Soltec in general and about things the software really should be able to do, got me worked up on the Deltawave. I guess the frustration with it's software is not far from the surface.


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