Electronics Forum: hasl lead free issues (Page 1 of 69)

lead free pcb plating?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 28 08:37:52 EDT 2007 | davef

There is no good choice. Board Finishes: Industrial/Battelle Class 3 Environment [Reliability Knowledge Gaps: For use of Pb-free solders in High Reliability Applications, J Smetana, iNEMI Availability of SnPb-Compatible BGAs Workshop, March 1, 2007,

lead free pcb plating?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 27 10:07:18 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Our preference has been ENIG. We find that we achieve higher quality (visually) soldering for through hole and surface mount parts, with less handling issues than when we use white-tin, or immersion tin. We are about to do a test on some boards tha

Changing Ni/Au finish to HASL lead free

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 11:49:33 EST 2010 | remullis

1st the buyer shouldn't control the process based on cost. Let them buy stuff and stick to that. 2nd, I do think leveling in th HASL process is important. If you have high spots on pads for fine pitch your wiping away more of that aperture than othe

Changing Ni/Au finish to HASL lead free

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 16:22:45 EST 2010 | rkondner

When you say Fine Pitch is this .5mm or is it smaller? I wonder what problems they experienced with HASL, the only problem I recall hearing was the surface was not flat. When applying paste with a stencil I can not see how the flatness is an issue.

Changing Ni/Au finish to HASL lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 22 01:39:06 EST 2010 | boardhouse

Hi Johan, As a Asian board supplier - I would not recommend using Lead free hasl on any product that has BGA, you would be just looking for issues, flatness being the main. I agree with one of the other replies - Your purchasing dept. should not be

HASL lead free thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 07:39:20 EST 2010 | jax

Most PCB manufacturers should be able to fall between 1.25um-5.00um for Pb-Free HASL. I doubt you will get anyone to agree to anything higher. If you are going to require an average thickness, make sure you also state "No Copper exposure allowed".

HASL lead free thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 10:03:29 EST 2010 | scottp

Instead of a minimum thickness, we require no exposed copper or SnCu intermetallic. We've been having a lot of trouble lately with suppliers of SN100 HASL boards giving us pads with very irregular solder deposits with areas of exposed intermetallic.

HASL lead free thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 16 06:52:44 EST 2010 | cacace

1 um". Some PCB manufacturer is telling me that this specification is not feasible in production. I would know if this position is due to the equipment (or process control) they have, or if in effect is not possible to satisfy my requests.

Re: lead free solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 15:44:43 EDT 1998 | CW

There's a good article on lead-free assembly of mixed technology in the May issue of SMT Magazine (pg. 52)

washing lead free boards with lead boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 11:04:08 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad

No, there are no issues with mixed lead / no-lead post-reflow cleaning. No-lead is a little harder to clean so be sure you use the appropriate parameters and cleaning chemical. The only potential issue is if you mix up the boards after cleaning,

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