Electronics Forum: heel fillet inspection (Page 1 of 17)

PLCC Solder fillet NG

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 09 16:55:02 EST 2011 | davef

We agree with the previous poster. Open-up your aperture to increase the amount of solder paste. If you don't have a heel fillet, go home.

PLCC Solder fillet NG

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 08 02:28:03 EST 2011 | nagesh

I have an issue with PLCC Insufficient Heel solder joint fillet.The aperture dimension is : 30 x 100 mils on PCB & on stencil also(1:1 per gerber).Rohs Process. My stencil thickness is 5mils due to presence of Tssop & QFP package & i cannot increase

Post reflow solder joint inspection

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 06:52:45 EST 2004 | paul_bmc

About 2 years ago our company tried to go with a post reflow AOI inspection. This AOI was suppose to be able to inspect to a level class 3 product. **It is impossible** You cannot inspect for a heel fillet and inspecting for poor wetting is a very

solder fillet peeling update....

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 16:26:58 EDT 2003 | slthomas

Yes, they do the cleaning, we did the (apparently first) inspection and caught the problems. They tried a shorter cleaning cycle, witnessed no defects, and attributed the defects on the boards we had to their cleaning process. Now they just plan on

Voids in solder fillet

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 17 16:43:09 EDT 2003 | davef

Background: * Bulwith, Ronald A., �Failure Analysis of Solder Joints�, �Insulation/Circuits� magazine, February 1978 * Banks, Donald R., et al., �The Effects of Solder Joint Voiding on Plastic Ball Grid Array Reliability�, Proceedings of the Technica

Vertical bend resistors solder fillet

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 12 12:54:25 EST 2013 | jaimebc

For selective soldered components, or even hand soldered, with vertical bend components, the body of the component, in this case a resistor, is making contact with the surface of the PCB, making it impossibe to visually see the solder fillet. Or to d

BGA rework and inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu May 30 10:31:03 EDT 2002 | robbied

Hi Yannick. This is an issue that we are just recently getting into but here is some ifo that I have gathered so far. I have seen/ used 2 different rework machines. The one we have bought is a 'PACE TF2000' which was at the lower cost end of the mar

Land size

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 07 13:33:40 EDT 2008 | realchunks

Most QFP 128s have a 0.16mm wide lead. Might have to modify your pads if you'r buying some odd ball part. But generally 0.2mm should be OK for this part. You may never get good toe wetting. Most QFPs are cut apart after plating, thus the toes are

Re: BGA Inspection Criteria

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 10 11:55:16 EST 2000 | Bob Willis

The following may be of interest to you. INTRODUCTION TO X-RAY INSPECTION All text Copyright Bob Willis, EPS INTRODUCTION TO X-RAY INSPECTION The use of X-ray inspection is becoming very popular due to the increased use of Ball Grid Array (BGA)

Re: BGA Inspection Criteria

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 10 11:55:28 EST 2000 | Bob Willis

The following may be of interest to you. INTRODUCTION TO X-RAY INSPECTION All text Copyright Bob Willis, EPS INTRODUCTION TO X-RAY INSPECTION The use of X-ray inspection is becoming very popular due to the increased use of Ball Grid Array (BGA)

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