Electronics Forum: hi pot (Page 1 of 15)

bubbles in solder pot

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 14:34:02 EDT 2023 | joeljacobo

Hi, I think they are a bit of both. When they pop the bubbles something like a foam is generated.

Solder pot & wire tinning help

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 14:53:08 EST 2020 | rlising

Hi, I purchase a leadfree aven solder pot 300w. We are wanting to pre tin power and ground wires prior to soldering onto pcb. I have some anti-erosion flux cored wire solder from koki S03x7Ca-70m 1.6mm. Can this solder be used? If not what is t

where to get a pot coated

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 09:48:24 EST 2006 | slaine

Hi Ive checked into this a bit more, there are two coatings im told you can get one is a teflon coating that you paint on then bake, the other is a red oxide (lead free) paint. Also if your using solder pots and they are close grain cast iron they a

Solder pot & wire tinning help

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 11 19:22:02 EDT 2020 | victorzubashev

Hi, 1. do not use flux-cored wire- the smell is bad and flux will evaporate anyway at the time of solder wire melting. 2. as suggested use solder bars, something like this: https://smtnet.com/company/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_company&company_id=39635

Folungwin Wave 43 inch solder pot heater - FL-MD-E-LD-FRG-01

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 09:32:56 EST 2016 | mario

Hi everyone, I am looking for a distributor for the Folungwin wave machines, we need to buy solder pot heaters part number FL-MD-E-LD-FRG-01 and our canadian distributor only has a few units to sell and the leadtime seems to be around 4 weeks, meanwh

Plasma nitride wave solder pot lining for lead-free use

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 13 06:56:27 EST 2005 | adanhn

Hi Steve, What I came up with for our Soltec Sigma 6621 is to make a stainless steel wave solder bath insert.The insert with all its components eg. impeller, Chipwave assy, pump shafts, main wave assy etc. I will send for plasma nitride coating.Afer

Embedded Capacitance

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 31 22:10:43 EDT 2009 | davef

5min) PASS IST Testing (500 cycles) PASS Core Level Hi-Pot Testing PASS (100V/sec; 500Vmax) Finished Circuit Level Hi-Pot PASS (100V/sec; 500Vmax)

Pot life & shelf life

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 01 05:39:36 EDT 2013 | leardkattiya

Hi, can someone give definition on pot life? does the pot life start once it's been taken out from fridge or the pot life starts once recommended thawing ends?

Electric Arching on Y-Cap using No Clean Flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 18:22:10 EST 2006 | Joe L

We used an Alpha Metals No Clean Solder Paste on our products. However at 50% humidity and above, electric arching starts to appear across our y-cap, when a hi-pot voltage of 1500V is applied across. At 20% humidity this situation does not occur. Als

Switching to SN100C in wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 01 07:41:33 EST 2016 | robl

Hi Stivais, Yes, we analyse once a week in 4 pot locations, in addition one of our customers also takes an audit sample once a month and XRF's it. So far no spikes in the stainless pot that are not found in the titanium pot. Thanks, Rob.

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