Electronics Forum: high temperature

How do you do the 1st sample inspection?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 10:32:10 EDT 2018 | dleeper

At an EMS I used to work for, our process for first article inspection was to have a human technician do a point to point comparison between the BOM and the PCB. They would verify component part #s were correct per the location, correct polarity and

Inspection Methods

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 25 13:43:53 EDT 2001 | loriannplummer

I have been re-evaluating the way we do our visual inspection processes due to its apparent ineffectiveness. We recently tested this theory by introducing 6 obvious defects on one assembly and gave it to one of our "experienced" visual inspection ope


Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 18 16:40:40 EST 2001 | davef

Mothball Ingredient Causes Cancer In Rats Naphthalene, the aromatic insecticide found in mothballs and public restroom deodorizers, causes cancer in rats, according to scientists at the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP). In the study, rats were

A.O.I - no salesman pitch pls

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 17 11:36:41 EDT 2003 | caldon

My AOI wish list would include features that: 1)Character recognition, 2) Correct Placement (including missing), 3) Solder joint inspection (solder present), 4) Shorts, 5)Polarity check, 6)Coplanarity, 7)gerber/or Cad compatible (no gold boards), 8)e

AOI for solder inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 19 14:38:49 EST 2009 | doremi

Oh, my dear, printer is just a part of the full picture. Without good and stable pick and place what if the printer is excellent???It is all important - printer, solder paste,stencil,P&P,oven,AOI and of course good process engineers or whatsoever are

cleaning PCB's

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 10 20:39:06 EST 2006 | aqueous

Of course there are solvents which are less harmful to the environment than others. The operative phrase is �less harmful�. As a rule, water-based chemistries are �greener� than solvents. There are some solvent blends designed for aqueous-based eq

Couple questions for Dave

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 17 12:00:19 EDT 1998 | Mike C

| | I need an evaluation process to prove to a customer that our no-clean process does not leave excessive residue? Any ideas? | Wayne: More of the same as Chry and Justin. | KEY ISSUE | The first thing that you need to know is: What does your cus

Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC) failure root cause analysis

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 27 12:21:18 EDT 2012 | tpatrickwalsh

I am posting this here because I think it may have something to do with PCBA: I have a simple battery-powered consumer product (LED light) that we have been manufacturing for some time. All of a sudden in one batch, we have about a 4% rate of a sing

Homing Contact systems / versatec 3S. slow movement.

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 18:21:21 EDT 2019 | Aaron

I recently purchased a contact systems 3, and 3s, and 4 of their 3zs. they were all used in various states of working. supposedly one 3s and 3z were working when taken out of service and had sat for a few months. another 3z had a homing issues and th

bad connections, or not?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 15 14:25:54 EST 2001 | davef

Let me make several points on this issue � POINT 1: Let�s be basic � Soldering and welding are examples of process that the quality types call "special processes". Special process. The results of special processes cannot be verified fully by subs

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