Electronics Forum: highest electronic circuit board of the world (Page 1 of 1)

How actually the process of Electrofoam Stencil?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 13:17:48 EST 2005 | bschreiber

3) There are several papers on the safety of cleaning PCBs and ICs using ultrasonic technology. The latest is in the October 2004 issue of SMT magazine by William Kenyon, "Why Not Ultrasonics?" Most of the studies have been performed by Dr. B.P. Ri

Welcome To CBAR and the Georgia Institute of Technology

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 12:28:24 EST 2000 | Keith Luke

SMTnet extends a warm welcome to the Center for Board Assembly Research (CBAR)at the Georgia Institute of Technology who have joined with SMTnet to provide access to the Electronics Forum through the school's web site. SMTnet is pleased to cooperate

Welcome To CBAR and the Georgia Institute of Technology

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 12:28:24 EST 2000 | Keith Luke

SMTnet extends a warm welcome to the Center for Board Assembly Research (CBAR)at the Georgia Institute of Technology who have joined with SMTnet to provide access to the Electronics Forum through the school's web site. SMTnet is pleased to cooperate

Who of you experts can tell me the history of SMT?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 10 09:32:14 EST 2001 | cmay

William, Just to start with, I am no expert, but I have a few books lurking. According to one entry, Surface Mounted resistors stuck to circuit boards had been described in 1952 (Circuit World, Feb edition 1952, page 70) The first mention of a devi


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