Electronics Forum: hm-350/ hm-450 lead-free wave soldering machine (Page 1 of 15)

wave machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 12:30:57 EST 2005 | glenda

We are looking for a used or new wave machine must be able to do lead free solder. Does anyone have contact information in the Chicago, il area for used wave soldering machines? Thanks for any help we can get.

Tin-lead wave soldering using a lead-free machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 12:41:38 EST 2006 | masrimhd

Hello, I know for sure that using lead-free technology in conventional tin-lead machines makes a lot of problems. But I wonder if we can use conventional tin-lead alloy and components with a lead-free machine! Is it possible? Does this imply any s

Tin-lead wave soldering using a lead-free machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 03:58:17 EST 2006 | Rob

Yes, it's fine - as Pete says you have to replace certain parts & either get the pot recoated or a new one. We ran a "Lead free" 6622C from Vitronics Soltec on Tin Lead, then it was cleaned up, recoated and loaded with a no-lead alloy with no proble

Tin-lead wave soldering using a lead-free machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 13:26:21 EST 2006 | pjc

If you're asking about wave solder machine, yes you can run Sn/Pb in a "Pb Free" machine. The concern is that when its time to run Pb Free you're going to have to remove all the parts from the solder pot to remove all the Pn/Pb solder residue from po

wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 17:05:17 EDT 2005 | pde

Also concider if you will be going lead free in the future as conversion can be a added expense. You may think about learning and going lead free from the begnining as the indestry is rapidly moving in this direction.

wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 18:03:30 EDT 2005 | davef

Key Issue: Will this machine solder your boards? You never know until you solder one. Any other avenues of analysis involve substantial risk. Flux Selection * High or low solids * VOC or VOC-free Solder Alloy * If using lead-free, avoid stainles

lead free 0603 wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 10 05:06:20 EST 2008 | gregoryyork

Great as most Lead Free machines have the wrong angle on them 7 degrees is correct. So you are still exiting the wave in the middle of the pot then.

lead free wave soldering parameters

Electronics Forum | Thu May 11 18:59:40 EDT 2000 | lboone

Have anyone perform wave soldering on FR-2 and FR-1 printed circuit board with lead free soldering? Can you share the parameters(wave temperature,preheat temperature, contact time, wave height,etc,) used and did you do any changes to the wave solderi

Switching to SN100C in wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 27 05:04:02 EST 2016 | pmcg

Never used stainless pots as when we converted to lead free we changed all the pots to titanium. Been using SN100C for many years now, very good results, also use it in reel form in our selective solder machines with great results. Bear in mind the

Switching to SN100C in wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 30 15:15:34 EST 2016 | warwolf

Any lead free will eat a leaded designed wave soldering machine. But SN100c will eat it the slowest, our soldering tips used to only last 3 months with SAC305 when we changed to SN100c solder wire we are having around 9 months tip life. Our wave sol

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