Electronics Forum: horizon screen 20printed (Page 1 of 3)

Dek horizon 03ix startup problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 23:52:03 EDT 2022 | Stevekilic

Hello, I have a problem with Dek horizon 03ix machine software hangs on the start screen. What could be the matter.

DEK screen printers

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 09:58:24 EDT 2012 | stivais

Probably depends on the model. We have DEK Horizon and we sometimes place 2 images on the same sheet (in the Y dimension. It's not possible for the X dimension). Just make sure that there's enough space for a paste roll and squeegees between the imag

DEK screen printers

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 19 11:40:18 EDT 2012 | dekhead

Not true... with manual screen load machines (LT / Horizon), you need to ascertain the correct position / measurement and can load to that position. Auto load machines there is a "custom screen" setting which is used to tell machine the position ("Di

DEK 265 Horizon

Electronics Forum | Sun May 04 19:18:42 EDT 2008 | dman97

Hi all, I recently acquired a year 2000 dek 265 horizon. It has a manual screen loader with that stupid hand crank adjustable stopper. Can anyone tell me how I am supposed to measure the stencil image dimensions for a front justified stencil? Now on

Dek Horizon

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 28 17:05:28 EDT 2004 | albertoh

Hello everyone! I'm in charge to evaluate a new Dek Horizon screen printer what i would like to know is some feedback about this machine already in production. I'm interesting about down times, change over issues, friendly operation for production pe

DEK Vista

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 24 16:54:54 EDT 2007 | dekhead

It's an Horizon (01) with large board (24" x 30")capability. Some software issues, as the OEM stopped progressing software on this machine (an offshoot of Horizon 7SP02) and never made final release Typhoon software compatible with this (Same with Vi

DEK Horizon 265

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 23 00:11:43 EST 2007 | ktroym

When I try to bootup the machine I am getting an error that reads Dumping physical memory and a bunch of numbers & letters on the screen. The machine runs windows NT. Has anyone else had a problem like this before.

DEK eManual needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 14:38:24 EDT 2011 | ram324

Does any body has a electronic manual for DEK screen printers? specifically for horizon and/or infinity that may be willing to share?

DEK265gsx system button problem

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 20 07:40:51 EDT 2019 | kylehunter

I have a 265 horizon. I've noticed that if we wait more than a minute or so after that screen appears, it does the same thing you describe. It's like it goes to sleep and doesn't register the button. So maybe try watching the screen, and right as you

Screen printer to fit needs

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 08 16:08:25 EST 2005 | fastek

If you are happy with DEK I would stick with that. I'd look at an ELA or a Horizon model 03...which is their stripped down Horizon version. You can buy a new one of those in the $60K range...used obviously less. The only other vendor I would look a

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