Electronics Forum: how much time flux activatio (Page 1 of 14)

Tombstone caused by flux residue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 14 04:28:45 EDT 2005 | lloyd

Folks, Thanks for all the info and suggestions but let me add a bit more to the pot. Our products work in a harsh environment and are classed as safety critical. Customer returns are our biggest concern, we don't get very many and feeling here seem

no clean flux + wave soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 16:03:08 EDT 2008 | wavemasterlarry

I guess you're adding the gas to keep the fingers clean - sounds likeyou got your threads mixed up on the Forum. Any way I would suggest not doing this. Gas is pretty flammable. I have pix of one our Hollis cleaning machines going up in flames cau

Humidity question

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 12:02:56 EDT 2008 | stepheniii

How much flux will be lost if you do that? And I would think that the paste would be too dry by the end of the shift. And don't forget that power rating of the oven doesn't mean that it is using that much power the entire time it's on.

lead free selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 09:43:55 EST 2005 | lupo

Check flux penetration and type of flux. How much is solid contents. The solder filling is better under Nitrogen. Check the time (speed) of the nozzle whether is correct. Usually For SAC305 the temperature of bath is 320C/degrees, but only for sel

Wave soldering - black residue / bridging

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 27 17:40:55 EST 2019 | rgduval

Using no-clean flux will make the boards very difficult to clean. If you can switch to water soluble flux, your life will be much easier. The "icicles" lead me to think that the board isn't getting hot enough in the pre-heat cycle, and/or there isn

Re: Varistors that leak, political football anyone?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 13 05:23:30 EDT 2000 | Donnie

There a few questions that I have for you. 1. What type of flux are you using? 2. What temps are your preheaters set at? 3. Can you possibly place them on after the wave? The reason I'm asking is that there may be some adjustments to the wave to bur

PCB Delamination

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 06 17:43:10 EDT 2013 | davef

I agree with SOB. First, someone is thinking too much and has too much idle time. And second, controlling volatiles from routine fluxing should be much more concerning than volatiles from out-gassing from delamination. In most plants, delamination is

Flux Residues In Lead Free Wave Soldeing Process

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 13:43:42 EST 2006 | Wave Master Larry

LISTEN thats the problem with the engineers.The engineers at my place of employment always crack that "engineering humor" too and i hate it.Hell Edison had no formal education. I liken myself to Thomas Edison no formal education but lots of practica

Reflow with lead-free 96.5 /3/0.5 No-Clean T4 brown-orange burn color on parts

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 30 12:55:37 EST 2019 | emeto

We saw your profile, which in my opinion looks alright based on the guideline from the vendor. Can you tell us more about the joints that you cleaned? Are they showing nice wetting and nice and shiny finish? How about your stencil thickness? From my

Water Soluble vs. No Clean

Electronics Forum | Sat May 06 12:08:35 EDT 2006 | mrduckmann2000

We too use both Water soluble and No-clean in our shop. I can tell you that we have won 6 different contracts from other local contract house because our boards "look pretty". It's amazing how some customers judge how other houses build their board

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