Electronics Forum: how remove mask from circuit board (Page 1 of 68)

Differentdefect on circuit board surface

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 10 07:34:00 EDT 2020 | elijah

From the poor bonding strength of the board, the surface quality problems of the board are divided into: 1. The cleanliness of the board surface; 2. The problem of micro graphite (or surface energy) on the surface. PCB circuit board proofing Youke bo

How to remove paint from back of PCB without damaging ?

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 09 11:31:14 EDT 2005 | techvet99

I have several circuit boards (about 14" by 16" in size) that I recently acquired and am trying to repair. One problem is that the former owner painted (spray paint I think) the word "TEST" in big red letters covering most of the solder side of the

How to remove Oxides from older components? Fine Pitch

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 03:34:52 EDT 2009 | babe7362000

The parts are from 2000-2004. The temperature at the leads are between 215-220. When the part is removed from the board, some of the leads are nice and shiny and some have dewetting, so I dont think it is a temperature issue.

How to remove Oxides from older components? Fine Pitch

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 10:46:04 EDT 2009 | babe7362000

I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to clean oxides off of fine pitch components? Apparently the paste we use does not have strong enough flux to remove the oxides off of the leads of the components. I have validated the profile and that i

Solder mask

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 02 16:52:16 EST 2009 | boardhouse

Hi, From a Manufactures choice - Green is the best due to it is the most commonly used mask color in the industry & cheapest. Kind a like Red paint for Barns. For US shops, most only have one LPI machine and to continually switch from Green to othe

Re: ESD Compliant - Air blow off to dry washed circuit board assemblies

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 21:04:10 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: You still didn�t tell me why you want additional drying of your boards, but what the hey, we all have our dark secrets. Anywho, let�s consider some options for reducing the moisture of your cleaned boards: OPTION 1 - Up-Grading Your Cleaner

Re: How long to burn in a circuit board

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 18 09:12:13 EST 2000 | Leslie Hall

Thanks Dave F for you 2 cents. You bring up some important points that what one person is doing isn't neccesary right for us. Someone might burn in their boards for 10 hours in temperature but their ramp time is only an hour versus someone else is

Re: How long to burn in a circuit board

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 14 12:07:47 EST 2000 | Dave F

Leslie: Product screens and tests of prototypes and test vehicles should be tailored for the specific goal and product. I caution your use of equations and test condition information without specific use environments and design conditions. Lawyer:

solder mask removal

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 05 14:45:14 EST 2000 | Hoyt Moore

Does anybody know how to remove solder mask from pads that were masked over.

Removing Loctite glue from board / bga

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 15:02:53 EDT 2006 | FredC

If you really have Loctite Super Glue it is a cyanoacrylate and can be removed with acetone. If you have a Loctite aneorbic glue that has not hardened yet, acetone will remove it. If an anerobic has hardened I know of nothing that will remove it. Als

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