Electronics Forum: how to measure lead protrusion (Page 1 of 1)

How to choose a new solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 08:52:42 EDT 2011 | davef

Phil Zarrow wrote a useful paper that could help in evaluating paste. Here read it ... Evaluating Solder Paste � Not An Option Contributed by Phil Zarrow of ITM an Independent SMT consulting firm With soldering being the dominant source of assembly

Re: Posted wave solder paper to library and my 2 cents on intermetallics

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 12:57:10 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | I dug through my big box of office crap and found the disk with my technical papers. I posted the one on process control in the SMTNet library. It covers a lot of ground on what causes defects in the wave (too much or too little of something),

Re: Posted wave solder paper to library and my 2 cents on intermetallics

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 13:02:59 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | I dug through my big box of office crap and found the disk with my technical papers. I posted the one on process control in the SMTNet library. It covers a lot of ground on what causes defects in the wave (too much or too little of something)


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