Electronics Forum: i.e. (Page 1 of 74)

Is X-RAY can damaged Flash IC i.e. imbeded program ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 11:59:54 EST 2001 | seand

Hello everyone, Is it possible to quantify what you consider "Low Level" vs. High Level x-ray exposure? Is anyone aware of what level of exposure the airlines typically use in security applications? Thanks, Sean

Is X-RAY can damaged Flash IC i.e. imbeded program ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 10:18:03 EST 2001 | gzweig

There is no question but that x-radiation is an ionizing radiation and can effect components sensitive to ionization . The higher the power level of the x-ray source, the higher the amount of ionization taking place. At low levels of x-ray we have ne

Is X-RAY can damaged Flash IC i.e. imbeded program ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 09:51:51 EST 2001 | MDion

Bonjour, Is there any study done about the effects of X-RAYs (INCLUDING Airports/Customs systems) on electronic assembly ?? We have had few problems with products recently where the programmed flash was not functionnal (corrupted data) when tested

How do you tell what percent a SMT resistor is?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 16 13:18:13 EDT 2003 | jseagle

3 digits usually means 5% i.e. 103 = 10K 5% 4 digits means 1% i.e. 1002 = 10K 1% Otherwise you will have to use Dave's method.

MyData TM8FC magazines

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 28 15:42:37 EDT 2006 | pms

Sr.Tech, I e-mailed you. Paul M.

Reflow ovens : high mass vs. low mass

Electronics Forum | Tue May 18 03:23:56 EDT 1999 | PhilB

Looking at the full convection reflow oven market, I see two segments, high mass heater ovens (i.e. Electrovert Omniflow,...), and low mass heater ovens (i.e. Heller,...) Did some of you guys did some testing on both types and what were your findings

BGA inspection scope - Visual

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 11:33:07 EDT 2003 | tt

We have been looking around at all of the various BGA visual inspection systems, (i.e. ERSAscopes like contraptions). It seems like the number of different manufacturer's of these types of systems has exploded in the past couple of years, and it lo

Clearance between Through hole and chip component

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 00:01:47 EST 2007 | Muhammad Haris

Hi, The distance between the two terminations/endings/pads of 0603 (0201)is 0.15mm i.e. lesser than than the distance between the 0603 and through hole i.e. 0.5mm My ques is that, then why its termination doesnot short as it has a minimum distance.A

Package on Package BGA Components any issue in SMT?

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 00:12:22 EST 2007 | Muhammad Haris

hi, Consider BGA1= bigger one BGA2= smaller one CONSIDERATION : 1. If bga2 is inside the bga1 then bga1 balls should not touch the bga2 upper surface i.e. the inside balls of bag1 package should b in ur mind, so choice is urs. METHOD: m

Machine utilisation

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 05:24:22 EDT 1999 | zambri

I am interested in seeing how some of you calculate machine utilisation. Currently this was calculated off against the uptime. I really believe there is a better way of doing it i.e if I were to calculate this against machine's capacities. Any feedba

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