Electronics Forum: impact switch (Page 1 of 2)

Pick Up Error

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 11:07:49 EDT 2004 | JB

"I thought it was purely a mechanical up-down movement with the cam and hence the thickness hardly has any effect!" It is purely mechanical.On our high speed turret the machine knows the distance between the tip of the nozzle and the top surface of

Where to start with a new reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 16 00:08:31 EDT 2003 | Dean

Why would you have troubles if and when you switch? Isn't that the point of materials evaluation? Understanding the impact and material capability BEFORE "betting the farm on it". I would never stake my career on a solder paste without an Engineer

Reflow soldering of lead-free components with leaded solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 23 14:50:14 EST 2024 | carl_p

That link doesn't work for me. From the more you explain - it does sound like an issue I've had in the past on a few different builds. In the end we traced it to a fault with the paste (they were having mixing issues in the chemistry) but they as y

Flux or Solder Paste?

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 21:26:40 EST 2006 | davef

We've always used flux in reworking BGA, except with some dodgy designs, when we use paste. We see no reason to switch to paste. We do not understand your coworker's concerns, nor do we understand the impact of using paste because of the higher mel

Rippling effect of stencils

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 00:39:09 EST 2002 | Jones

I've noticed that after we have switched to Transition Automation blades on our MPM screen printers that the stencils seem to be wearing out faster and I see a wavy rippling effect across the length of the stencil thats impacted by the squeege blade.

UV cure conformal coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 10:14:06 EST 2005 | davef

There's some nice low-VOC uV coatings out there. We don�t use uV cured coatings, but try: * http://www.emersoncuming.com * http://www.dymax.com * http://www.mgchemicals.com * http://www.loctite.com * http://www.humiseal.com Be aware that uV co

Re: Solder Skips

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 22 10:29:15 EST 2000 | C.K.

Larry: I've got extensive experience with solder skips on both 0603 and SOT23 devices. We also installed an "Omega" vibrating wave on our machine, but it didn't really have an impact on solder skips. The major difference that the omega makes is in

Re: Cure/Reflow Profile

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 00:16:23 EST 2000 | Finepitch Services

Sal, Jax has a good point about utilizing your multi-profile oven and switching to a different profile. However, since some ovens cause trouble while cooling off and stabilizing, I will assume you do have to use the same profile for whatever reason.

Re: Cure/Reflow Profile

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 00:16:23 EST 2000 | Finepitch Services

Sal, Jax has a good point about utilizing your multi-profile oven and switching to a different profile. However, since some ovens cause trouble while cooling off and stabilizing, I will assume you do have to use the same profile for whatever reason.

How to strengthen the ability of anti-interference in PCB design

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 03:58:39 EST 2014 | hhat

To get the best performance of electronic circuits, components and circuit board supports circuit components and devices in electronic products. Even if the circuit principle diagram design is correct, the printed circuit board is designed improperly

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