Electronics Forum: in circuits test (Page 1 of 76)

Re: No-clean conductivity in analog circuits

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 14:44:13 EST 1999 | John Thorup

Hi Chuck We make precision analog and hybrib audio processing equipment for the radio and TV broadcast industry. We have not experienced any problems relating to no-clean reflow since the introduction of the process several years ago. It is known t

No-clean conductivity in analog circuits

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 12:48:01 EST 1999 | Chuck C.

Is anyone out there having problems with noise in analog circuits caused by the residue that no-clean solder paste leaves after reflow? If so do you have any suggestions on how to eliminate the problem??

Assemby of flexible printed circuits

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 15:40:56 EDT 2012 | davef

Here's some notes from a Bob Willis presentation Assembly of Flexible Circuits with Lead-Free Solder Alloy [Bob Willis leadfreesoldering.com] * Flexible Circuit Construction ** Base Material - 0.05mm Copper 18/18 um ESPANEX from Holders Technologies

Assemby of flexible printed circuits

Electronics Forum | Fri May 18 23:48:02 EDT 2012 | mspcb

Hi, Since you're looking information about flexible printed circuits,a book entitled "Printed Circuit Boards R. S. Khandpur" could give you lot of information about flex circuits from Design, Fabrication, and Assembly Phase. The book contains compr

electrical test

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 16:06:18 EDT 2006 | chrisgriffin

You will have to be more specific about your boards and process to get any help. There are many different types of in circuit tests and functional tests throughout the manufacturing process. The nature of these tests depend on board function. Sinc

electrical test

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 16:54:46 EDT 2006 | pjc

In-Circuit test, or ICT, is the most common method of electrical test for an assembled PCB. It is the most comprehensive and accurate method to ensure that both the PWB and components are working to specification. Not all components however can be el

delamination test

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 01 18:53:08 EDT 2005 | Board House

Pr. I agree with some of the above responses. if you are seeing Delam issues with incoming PCB's the following should be check. 1) Check the OEM Print to what Material they are calling out to be manufactured with. 2) If they are calling out for S

AOI vs. electrical test

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 15:16:53 EST 2006 | Cmiller

In circuit testing is expensive up front because of the fixture cost but the tests are fast. AOI programs can be develpoed in less than a day but take longer to run. If you have good test coverage, in circuit would be a better choice in my opinion-if

AOI vs. electrical test

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 04 12:48:34 EST 2006 | pjc

In-Circuit Test is the best method for ensuring solder joint connections. It is a much more reliable than AOI. An ICT machine can ensure solder connections are made for array package devices such as BGA, PGA, etc... AOI is best for component I.D.- is

reject percentage of assembled circuits after initial test?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 08 10:11:15 EST 1999 | Tim

This is a question for those of you who actually assemble components onto a board. Any idea what the "industry standard" is for fall out on assembled PCB's? I realize that the controls put in place in your processes will effect your overall quality

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