Electronics Forum: in-line and inspecdtion (Page 1 of 3)

MY15 and MY19

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 17 02:24:10 EDT 2004 | D. Sanders

What are the lengths/depth/height of these two machines? They will be used in-line with conveyors. Thanks, Doug


Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 09 15:20:19 EDT 2002 | pjc

When you look at the capabilities of Combo machines they tend to sacrifice performance when compared to separate X-ray and AOI machines, meaning they don't do either the X-ray or AOI operations as well as a machine that was designed to do only one. A

SMTECH pro's and con's

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 16:50:44 EDT 2001 | jeff

The "UP100 " is currently built by Speedline. However only the models UP100S (No Vision and manual adjust table ) and the UP 100MV (Vision and manual adjust table). These are batch printers not in-line. The IS model has been out of production for ab

Wave flux and profiling

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 18 14:36:09 EST 2006 | samir

Yikes!! In-line cleaning, to clean cosmetic and benign residues (from a NO-CLEAN) flux... You sure you can't switch fluxes? Another variable with residues is the solder mask. Depending on mask type (glossy, matte, semi-gloss, or semi-matte), will

GSM2 and FlexJet heads

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 18:52:29 EDT 2010 | edwaterfall01

There is a retrofit kit to take care of the head cable problem that you mention. The s/n with 7P in it represents what is called the 7 Plus level of the head. There was one more level after that (09) for the GSM. The better heads mentioned in the

Conveyors and bar code

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 20:32:40 EDT 2006 | davef

Fixed position (mounted) [In-line] laser bar code scanners: * microscan 800.762.1149 info@microscan.com [Ken SMTnet] * symbol technologies symbol.com [Russ SMTnet] * Keyence and RVSI inline scanners [B Norman SMTnet] * Datalogic TC1100 bartec-systems

ICT and specifying PCBA testing

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 15:17:30 EDT 2010 | jooh

Thanks for your replies! So what I understand is that ICT in reality is "only" a production process safety net, but it's a net that in most practical cases is needed. What ICT can not catch is (all) bad solder joints. What are the methods to find t

Lead/Lead Free In-Line Wash and UT cleaners

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 03 17:54:32 EDT 2005 | PWH

Yea, that seems pretty obvious to me as well but we have a customer that's not buying into running lead-free in conjunction with lead. They strongly believe that we need to install a dedicated lead-free SMT line inclusive of in-line wash system. Th

Re: BGA rework and reliability

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 15:09:44 EST 1998 | ChungPark

| Dear all, | | What are your views on reworking BGA's? I mean, with the BGA going through reflow temperatures four times or more, and with a manual reballing process, wouldn't it raise up a few reliability issues? Would you consider not doing rew

ICT and specifying PCBA testing

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 12:10:14 EDT 2010 | rway

Test Jet will work for catching lifted leads, certainly. X-ray is the only thing for testing for internal solder defects such as voids and cracks. I personally do not have any experience using X-ray, so I cannot advise on its reliability. Perhaps

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