Electronics Forum: ipc certification milwaukee (Page 1 of 4)

International certification programme for lead-free product test

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 09:36:05 EST 2004 | davef

Unfortunately, IPC-D-279, IPC-TM-650, IPC-TR-464, and MIL-STD-810 will not answer your questions, because they do NOT address LF-solders. Even the tests in IPC-9701 need to be modified for LF-solders, because: * LF-solder has different creep behavior

International certification programme for lead-free product test

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 22:26:09 EST 2004 | Henry

Any one who knows the international certification programme for lead-free product testing? such as IPC, IEC....... Thank you very much

Help me in finding Standard PCB Designing Certification

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 16:31:12 EDT 2015 | davef

IPC Design Cert: http://dc.ipc.org/html/default.htm

Guidelines on PCB design learning.

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 21 20:28:45 EDT 2020 | eptac

You may search IPC Designer Certification Courses.

BGA PCB Pad size

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 27 09:43:15 EST 2003 | davef

Sorry. I mistyped information on the guidelines. It should be: SM-785 - Guidelines For Accelerated Reliability Testing Of SM Solder Attachments Order SM-785 from: IPC 2215 Sanders Rd Northbrook, IL 60062-6135 847-509-9700 When you are ordering t

Inspection training

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 20:58:15 EDT 2004 | davef

Consider: * Looking at: http://training.ipc.org/ * Searching with 'google' on 'ipc 610 training' * Having your suppliers train your inspectors, by including your people in the suppliers' on-going training and certification of their staff

Hi anyone have recommended pcb manufacturer?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 07:09:16 EDT 2016 | soldertools

BEST is an IPC Master Certification Solder Training Center offering Instructor and Operator courses for IPC-A-610, IPC J-STD-001, IPC/WHMA-620, IPC-A-600, IPC-6012 and IPC 7711/7721. BEST is also known world widely for PCB repair kits and materials t

Rework Technique

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 19:48:53 EDT 2001 | davef

IPC-7711 & IPC-7721 Training and Certification Program Detailed information on the industry standard program for rework, repair and modification of electronic assemblies. [http://www.ipc.org/html/fstraining.htm] Guides and training at http://www.cir

J-STD-001 Training

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 15:32:32 EDT 2003 | Mark Pilkington

EPTAC Corporation provides training and certification to all IPC industry standards. We can be reached at 800.643.7822 and our site is http://www.eptac.com.

IPC 610 and J-STD Rev D - What's it all About?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 03 11:00:04 EST 2005 | PeteP

In a nutshell, what are the Rev D changes to the standards? What re-certification requirements are in place?

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ipc certification milwaukee searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)
Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

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