2 ipc-tm-650 method tests (dielectric withstanding results

Electronics Forum: ipc-tm-650 method tests (dielectric withstanding (Page 1 of 1)

Re: PCB fab supplier supplier/evaluation

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 08 11:15:32 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Mike, | | | | Got your message and those of others concerning PCB fab supplier evaluation and qualification check lists, etc. I have a severe problem here in WI as I can hardly access the internet, and when I do it is cut off abruptly for no goo

Re: Qualifying new PWB Vendors

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 17:13:07 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | | Hello, | | | | | | | | We are qualifying new sources of PWB vendors. We've got the first lot of "produciton" boards in and we want to put them through the paces before turing the vendors on. | | | | | | | | So far, the tests I can think of


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