Electronics Forum: joint failure mode (Page 1 of 37)

solder joint failure analysis

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 04:27:55 EST 2011 | thomas111

hi, I am a Hardware designer . One of my products is undergoing a Reliability test in which a resistor shows a high value on board from its specified value .However it retains the original value when its cooled under room temperature. The resistor

Solder joint crack

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 25 09:45:39 EDT 2019 | edhare

See also ... https://www.semlab.com/solder-joint-failure-modes/

Bga failure

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 18:29:15 EDT 2006 | stepheniii

Profile, profile, and profile. If you can sacrifice a board, the best is to drill a small hole into the a ball from the other side of the board and insert a thermocouple there. I'm 99.99% certain you won't be able to sacrifice a board. (who can the

what are the main diffrences in failure modes for Bga

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 05 14:07:33 EDT 2008 | shellydhami

Main diffrences in failure modes for mechanically and thermally induced BGA solder joint fracture

Component failure analysis

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 19 14:29:12 EDT 2005 | ppwlee

What are possible failure analysis (destructive or non-destructive and what are the pro/cons) I could conduct on the component level (of an IC) to determine failure mode/root cause? We are measuring internal shorts between leads on a SOIC after sold

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 11:32:45 EDT 2009 | pbarton

What type of conformal coating are you using and are you allowing the coating to migrate under the device in question? If you are allowing the coating unbder the BGA the problem could be CTE of coating is much greater than that of the BGA balls/sold

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 08 08:15:39 EDT 2009 | kpm135

We've used both 1A33 urethane and 1B31 acrylic coating on our SMT assemblies with great success for many many years. This is with components of all shapes and sizes including a 9 ball micro-BGA. We apply the coating in every way imaginable and we hav

BGA failure after coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 08 01:07:46 EDT 2009 | tpappano

I have used 1A33 for many years with excellent results on through-hole pcbs in equipment subjected to very hot and very cold environments. Because 1A33 continues to harden with time, I assumed it would simply not be usable on smt boards, cracking t

ENIG; Au < 0.5 um to avoid solder joint embrittlement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 08 23:04:26 EDT 2022 | SMTA-64387544

Au thickness of 0.125 um should not cause solder joint embrittlement. Also, PCB fab should offer Au thickness range between 0.05-0.075 um for better process control and reliability. Higher Au thickness may suggest black pads leading to solder joints

BGA failure at Functional Test

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 08 10:56:13 EST 2009 | aj

Hi, Is there any PTH Assembly after reflow, we found cracked joints on some BGAs which was caused by operators ing Oupin connectors which were a tight fit. This caused the PCB to flex hence cracking joints. One way of checking for this during test

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