Electronics Forum: juki 760 laser sensor e9636725000 6 (Page 1 of 1)

JUKI vs UIC Pick N Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 10:03:28 EDT 2018 | roblackey

Lasers can go quite often, but if you are lucky and not in a great hurry you can get them refurbished dirt cheap. If you have a good 750/760 that has been well maintained it should run for a long time, but if it has not been loved you can end up payi

JUKI vs UIC Pick N Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 09 11:09:56 EST 2018 | reckless

Most likely I am doubling the budget mostly because of the feeders. I am leaning to Juke 750/760. Most likely will end up buying 2 of them once we are fully up and running and understanding everything. We are looking for a good old dinosaur who

Head doesnt pickup nozzle from ATC (+2mm are needed)

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 09:56:09 EDT 2022 | jojoled

Hi guys, from certain time (not sure, but it could be power down last week) none of the 2 heads can succesfully pickup nozzle from ATC (after startup calibration is done, but in the calibration sequence the ATC height is not measured, it just calibra


juki 760 laser sensor e9636725000 6 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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