Electronics Forum: juki all series original feeder (Page 1 of 2)

Topaz/Topaz X feeder compatibility

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 20:33:21 EST 2008 | slthomas

Well, since you distinctly said *any* help.... as far as I know all of the GEM machine can use the original feeders, but there are as I understand it some newer smart models available for the X series machines. All I've actually used is a Topaz, th

JUKI vs UIC Pick N Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 02:17:15 EDT 2018 | rob

@ Sr.Tech, Most of our Chinese spares are Juki & Yamaha original & still bagged, just much cheaper. They wouldn't sell machines in China if all the spares and consumables were at European mark ups. Nozzle wise the Juki 750 & 760 copies are not 100%

Mydata M100 Series ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 29 09:13:48 EDT 2008 | tech1

We received one about 5 weeks ago, about 65% faster and still have all the flexibility of our original mydata machines. On a side note we had a head to head competition between them and juki for a week.

Juki optimisation

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 19 20:58:45 EDT 2007 | Steve

I have a project I would like to consider a Juki machine for. I am trying to find out if a Juki 2000 series machine can pick up parts from 12mm and 16mm simultaneously with all heads for good optimisation performance? IE are the heads spacing the sam

Beware of counterfeit Fuji feeders and parts out of China

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 13 10:38:38 EST 2004 | fastek

This I have heard from (2) different sources. Fuji feeders for CP series machines are now being counterfeited in China and are being sold as original. They will in all appearences look completely legit in original boxes and with Fuji bar-codes. Once

Need opinion about KE740 and KE760 !

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 03 22:00:32 EST 2006 | fdr4prez

Yes Rick, you are correct, Zevatech HBA, PPM7 & > PPM9 were all designed and built by Swiss. That > was a long long time ago. Sorry, I guess I forgot about those old beasts. Then don't forget about the good old CATs and Microns made by Zevatech

chip placed upside down

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 07 23:37:34 EDT 2014 | demzvill

Hello all Good morning. I just want to ask with you guys about the problem that we always experienced in our production. We could not get our target ppm due. to inverted placement of chip resistor. We are using 2000 series juki mounter and cf03hp j

One of a kind!

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 17:17:45 EDT 2005 | Nicholas Anderson

Hello all!! I currently have this thought, of maybe producing my very own type of feeders. Say juki,panasonics,etc. but building,design,and production of my own. What would be preventing me from doing so? Let's say i wanted to build a Fuji CP-4 feed

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 04 00:03:28 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

flason smt pick and place machine: http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Hanwha-IC-placer-SM321-High-Speed-SMT-Modular-Chip-Mounter.html http://www.flason-smt.com/product/Hanwha-Pick-and-Place-Machine-DECAN-F2-High-Speed-SMT-Modular-Chip-Mounter.html htt

Researching placement machines - where do I start?!

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 20:21:40 EST 2010 | steinerson

Hi Jeff I would recommend you to try unexpensive user friendly Juki Late Model KE760 series. you need a flexible machine that can handle components,fine pitch QFP. This machine is very unique. you can use even without an offline software optimizer,

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