Electronics Forum: juki cf05hpr 0201 feeder (Page 1 of 3)

0201 feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 17:34:06 EDT 2006 | Frank

The Juki tape feeders are mechanically actuated. There is a knock pin on the bottom of the feeder bank that will push up to advance the feeder.

0201 feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 11:55:15 EDT 2006 | RLM

Is a Juki feeder a stand alone unit or does it need to communicate with the assembler ? I can operate a Quad feeder just by hooking it up to a proper voltage source. No need to communicate with a computer. If the Juki's will operate this way maybe I

0201 feeders

Electronics Forum | Sat May 13 00:25:00 EDT 2006 | George S

My Juki 0201 feeders work very well, but I don't know if they can fit your machine

0201 feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 14:21:42 EDT 2006 | Frank

Juki feeders will not work on Quad or Tyco machines. Unfortunately, (or fortunately - depending on how you look at it) there are not many, if any, cross-platform feeders. Heck, some vendors can't even swap between models of machines that they sel

0201 Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 10:18:30 EDT 2005 | Frank

Juki KE-2050R (or any of their R-series machines). They have the ability to automatically learn pick positions on paper tape feeders and they can zoom in on pick locations (x2 or x4), so this will help when they release their nozzle for 01005 compon

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 07:58:35 EDT 2016 | cyber_wolf

Not sure what you mean. 0201's and 0402's are both on 8mm feeders. Juki's will do simultaneous picks an all 8mm feeders no matter the component size. Your feeders need to be maintenanced and calibrated to reliably pick 0402's and 0201's. I hav

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 07:58:33 EDT 2016 | cyber_wolf

Darby, I'm not completely sure I understand. Juki machines have what is referred to as a multi-head. The offsets between the heads are the same as the spacing between 8mm feeders. So the (6) heads all come down at once and "gang pick" from 6 8mm fee

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 19:13:33 EDT 2016 | darby

Thanks Sr. If you have zero tolerance for simul pick up in your component files then you will not have simul pick up due to variances in your head offsets. So you are saying that on your Juki you run a tolerance for 0201? All other head positions at

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 12 00:18:55 EDT 2016 | darby

Sorry for delay - been flat out. Sr - I understand what you are saying. My concern is that combined with the head offsets and variations in pick points (i.e. having to teach feeder positions for very slight amounts like 0.05mm)then you cycle times wi

I need suggestions on which low-medium volume pick and place capable of running 0201 / 01005 components I should buy.

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 13 07:00:59 EST 2013 | spoiltforchoice

Low-Medium volume and Low Budget are difficult for others to quantify. I'm not familiar with GEM's but if the AX-201 suggested above can use your existing feeders its obviously got a leg up on the competition. Otherwise, to some extent your choice mi

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