Electronics Forum: juki smt sub-cpu board laser card (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Screen printing the board from........

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 06 10:30:46 EST 1998 | Ron Costa

| | | Hello everyone! | | | Does any know anything about bare board size variations? | | | Is there a spec. or tolerance? | | | I'm running small lots of boards and during the screen printing process | | | I find that I cannot paste each board perfec

SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 16 01:26:30 EST 2004 | Frank

The 575 was based on the 570 machine. The 570 was Juki's first laser centered machine. It can do 0402 and ICs with a pitch of 0.65mm or greater. The 575, was a re-vamped 570 that Zevatech came up with. Juki played no part in the 575. Zevatech ad

Seeking Thru-hole Process Flow Solution

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 14:09:29 EDT 2013 | jchosler

Hello, this is my first post to the forum. I am relatively new to the industry so bare with me. I am researching the thru-hole area of our production floor. Currently we are utilizing Contact machines with large parts cabinets shared between 2 machi

Advice regarding PnP machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 06:29:03 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice

Essemtec machines are quite good for small batch production. However you do need to bear in mind the FLX is quite small and depending how you use it and the options fitted might be limited on feeder count. You don't mention if this FLX is laser or


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