Electronics Forum: jumper wire unsupported hole (Page 1 of 1)

Excess solder during manual solder jumper

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 11:03:48 EST 2019 | rgduval

I think Steve is on to it. The wire is not getting hot enough to wet. Either the solderer is attempting to solder too quickly, or the PTH is connected to a ground plane. The solder sticking up through the hole leads me to think it's connected to a

Re: Workmanship Standards

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 10 22:32:14 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Mark: If you're looking for a baseline document for judging the acceptability of: * Mechanical assembly * Component installation * Soldering * Cleanliness * Marking * Coating * Laminate condition * Discrete wiring * Surface mounting of components .

Soldering wires to through holes

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 09 11:00:47 EST 2011 | davef

Using common wire size and through hole diameter, we'd expect that the wave solder process would completely fill the through hole and that you wouldn't need to get involved in providing stencil openings, pasting the through hole or reflowing the jump

Re: Wires UNDER BGA?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 21:17:19 EDT 1999 | Jeff Ferry

Mark, A challenge for sure. I suggest you review two techniques for this type of rework\modification. The first method uses a special circuit track run out from under the BGA. See: Jumper Wires, BGA Components, Circuit, Track Method at http://www

Through Hole Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 24 08:42:25 EST 2005 | SLVito

Morning All, I have to choice between two axial through hole machines: Panasert AVK 3 and Universal VCD Sequencer 8. I will insert axial components with 0,45 mm to 0,8 mm component lead diameter and perform jumper wire insertion in the same machine.

AVK 3 x Universal VC2 Sequencer 8

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 05:24:56 EST 2005 | SLVito

Morning All, I have to choice between two axial through hole machines: Panasert AVK 3 and Universal VCD Sequencer 8. I will insert axial components with 0,45 mm to 0,8 mm component lead diameter and perform jumper wire insertion in the same machine.

Through Hole Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 05:25:54 EST 2005 | gaurav

Morning All, > > I have to choice between two > axial through hole machines: Panasert AVK 3 and > Universal VCD Sequencer 8. I will insert axial > components with 0,45 mm to 0,8 mm component lead > diameter and perform jumper wire insertion in t

Conformal Coating Query

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 12 21:14:16 EDT 2009 | davef

Mask: * I/O connector contact surfaces * Bus connector contact surfaces * Configuration jumper blocks * Test points * Surfaces that contact heat sinks (heat sinks are removed prior to coating) * Board mounting holes * Adjustable potentiometers * P

Conceptronic HVAC102 oven problem

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 02:59:53 EDT 2015 | aemery

AVCOM, I have worked on a few of the Conceptronic ovens recently for one of my clients. They had a similar issue, all the heaters dropping out with a high temp circuit error which kicks out CON1 (Heater power). If you're saying what I think your sa


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