Electronics Forum: kic and thermal and profiling (Page 1 of 6)

Wave flux and profiling

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 18:36:46 EST 2006 | Grant

Hi, I have noticed we are getting residue on our wave pcb's and it's worse with lead free, since we changed to the flux we are using. We are currently using Avantec VOC Free flux model Ecofree 303. It looks like it's made in Malaysia. Does anyone h

Re: Convection Oven and thermo profiling of Circuit Boards

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 11:54:32 EDT 2000 | Rudolf Niebling

You need a KIC profiler whitch is able to find optimal profiles for your boards. The KIC works very well with the Heller ovens. With the KIC is also possible to find one good profile for different boards. Get in contact with KIC +1-858-673-6050

Re: Convection Oven and thermo profiling of Circuit Boards

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 14:07:20 EDT 2000 | Russ Cutler

Let me see if I've got this straight...rather than hook up a MOLE or a KIC profiler to each and every board (600 P/N's in my case), most people are making judgement calls based solely on how similar a board looks to another board, for which they have

01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 19:50:33 EDT 2012 | action_101

Hello, We're building some boards with 01005's and the only issue we are running into is the solder is not reflowing. It's the damnest thing, we are having no issues with the printing process or placing the components, the two areas we thought we wo

Wave and Reflow Profiler

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 08:17:32 EST 2008 | ck_the_flip

Steve, KIC does. The new KIC2000 has built in dwell time sensors. You can buy KIC's wavesurfer option (like MOLE's waverider), or you can engineer a custom pallet for 1/3 the price. I made a custom pallet and took advantage of the KIC's automatic

Wave and Reflow Profiler

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 15:44:49 EST 2008 | ck_the_flip

Yup! All the major players out there - KIC, Datapaq, and ECD - are all capable of profiling both reflow and wave solder. check them out. www.kicthermal.com www.ecd.com www.datapaq.com

Wave and Reflow Profiler

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 07:44:41 EST 2008 | tonyamenson

So just to clarify.... If i bought a KIC 2000 I could run that one unit over both my waves and through both my ovens (leaded and lead-free)? Or would I need additional equipment to use it on the wave?

Wave and Reflow Profiler

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 09:41:26 EST 2008 | slthomas

ECD sells the MOLE, and they sell both the Oven Rider and the Wave Rider to accompany it. The thing is, you can profile both an oven and a wave machine without either if you're willing to just solder your thermocouples to a board. The nice thing ab

Skewed and popped components

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 23:19:34 EDT 2003 | RLW

If you have a board that you've run several times, now you run it and like before all settings are the same, but now you have 0603's randomly skewed or an inch or so away from their intended pad (as if popped up in the air), or an occasional 7343 cap

Yamaha pick and place

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 02:57:53 EDT 2018 | rob

Yes I would, most of our old Yamaha machines (before 2005) will do 30-35 microns @ 3 sigma with the fine camera option. Our Jukis with His res camera's will hit it too. You should be OK with most things after 1997 with the right camera choice (whic

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