Electronics Forum: kiss lts200 solder dipping (Page 1 of 1)

Very fishy missing solder paste issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 21 02:45:51 EDT 2005 | Base

Probably very far-fetched, but I can think of a scenario like this: - machine picks up a component - between vision and placement the part is lost, but the loss is not detected due to oversize tool, which causes the amount of vacuum drop to go unnot

Blue Haze ( Not the same as Purple Haze)

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 03 22:32:04 EDT 2002 | davef

Naw, alcohol and solvents won't do dip. Hold-off on: * Destructive testing. [Athough this will convince you to move on to other things.] * Rework of the solder connections. [Although this will correct the problem.] Consider investigating your aque


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