Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 20:43:13 EST 2001 | ianchan
Thank you 4 the clarification and classification :)
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 20:46:24 EST 2001 | ianchan
Thanks for the awareness, will look into my profile, and try analyze which type of dewetting r we actually encountering...
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 05:30:06 EST 2001 | wbu
This is not about the physical laws but besides contamination, which will actually IMO cause NO WETTING, it is quite vital that the time-limit the flux is active is not exceeded during your reflow process. Depending on your paste/flux you will have a
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 04:31:47 EST 2001 | ianchan
I refer to IPC-A-610C, section 12.4.5, the defect term "dewetting". Can the experts pls help define the actual stages that constitute the formation of a dewetting defect? I do understand the common concept teachings that there may be contamination
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 12:13:10 EST 2001 | jonathan
I guess this clarifies the defect more then looks at the process, but I�ll just through it out there for the sake of learning something new. If anyone would comment on this please feel free�. There are many different varieties of dewetting defects.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:20:19 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel
18 days to go Are they finally figuring out what many veterans knew since the very beginning?? Check out this article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/06/11/nbook11.xml# Patrick
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:39:59 EDT 2006 | Chunks
Not at all. Politicians around the world make snap decisions on little knowledge that create a far worse future for all of us. As long as their pockets are lined properly, they feel they are doing a good job. Do you really think any politician giv
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 11:53:19 EDT 2006 | Rob
No Pat, it's not the craziest piece of EU legislation - that has to go to one of the following: Common Agricultural Policy Common Fisheries Policy or my favourate - The GI list The GI list stops anyone else in Europe (& aiming for the world!) maki
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 06:40:20 EST 2006 | trk
Unfortunately.....every new representative that gets elected wants to make a new law.....hence......thats why there is a law for just about anything..anybody..does. Its hard to remember the last time someone actually repealed a law instead of making
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 11:19:49 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel
The Directive becomes a law when it's written into law by all states in Europe. Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Poland and the UK have not done that yet. Look here: http://europa.eu.int/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/05/895